Leatherback troll cave.


Well-Known Member
Whats up yall.

Thought id quit lurkin around and post something.

In my 4x4 i have
Real Sour x2
Peanut Butter Breath x1
Grape Crème Cake x1

In my 3x3 ive got a few different things.
1 Girl Scout Cookie from Nirvana seeds.
2 Apples & Bananas breeder clones from Compound Genetics.
2 Real Sour clones
1 Peanut butter breath clone
1 Mendels Aether x GDP clone
1 grape Crème cake from seed
1 grape Crème cake clone
1 unknown
1 green crack from ILGM
1 Jawbreaker

And finally in my 2x2 i have
1 strawberry cough from dutch passion, and a Mendels Aether x GDP pollinated for F1s.
Quite the selection !

The most spectacular animal I've ever seen in the wild was a giant Leather Back . Had a head bigger than a 5 gallon bucket . Surfaced and blew salt out it's nostrils, had to be 1000 lbs+ . It was following the jellyfish into Long Island Sound where it hits Fishers Island Sound . Super cool .
Quite the selection !

The most spectacular animal I've ever seen in the wild was a giant Leather Back . Had a head bigger than a 5 gallon bucket . Surfaced and blew salt out it's nostrils, had to be 1000 lbs+ . It was following the jellyfish into Long Island Sound where it hits Fishers Island Sound . Super cool .
Leatherbacks are gigantic, one of my favorite animals out there, nothing else compares to it. They're awesome.