learning dwc need a little hlp


Well-Known Member
I transfered my plants from dirt to dwc they looked good for a few days and now they yellowing im wondering am I supposed to submerge plant in water or keep the water barely touching the bottom of the net pot and the roots will reach for the water in time do the bubbles under the net pot create humidity


Active Member
keep mine about 2" from bottom of net pot - they possibly in shock from transfer. If roots not hitting water - they should prob. be watered till they do hit (like a hempe bucket) - tough to say without pics.


Active Member
Also once the damage is done to the leaves they won't revert back. Look to new growth to see if there is any improvement.


Well-Known Member
Top water it til roots hit water. Also, likely they could be in transplant shock. Give en a few days to a week
and they should start kicking again. If yellowing is from low nitrogen, they may improve once they can feed better.