Leafs stains - please help!


My Bloody Skunk Auto strain on week 5 has some strange stains on its leaves (I POSTED SOME PICS), It appears to be mainly on the fan leaves torward the top and the new growth at the top. It does not appear to be spider mites, and it has appeared very quickly. Could someone please advise me on what this is and how to treat it?? my main concern is that it speads to my other plants. I currently have her in isolation. If someone can help it would be greatly appreciated. Thx


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Thanks for the response!
I mist her with neen oil every 7 days, last time was 5 days ago, can burn stains show up 4/5 days after? or would they show sooner, I try to let them dry completely first before exposing them to the lights again, however it is posible that there were water droplets and this could make sense since it is only on the upper part of the plant (at the moment)….
I've attached a couple more pics where the spots seem to be now turning brownish as well, maybe that helps better with the diagnosis.


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Hmm that's weird no i don't think they would show up a few days later. I was thinking maybe sunburn through the droplets but that's not an option then. Maybe some mold
Are you using Neem for something or preventative measure? If prevention I would wait until you see something. If it’s gnats try to let it dry out more between waterings.