Leafs going shiney and cracking


Active Member
Hi all, can someone tell me whats going wrong, grown from seed 6 weeks to date, 2 week under 200watt CFL 18/6 and lower older leaves are going brown at the tips darker green & shiney cracking. Help please.

Richs 012.jpg

Richs 011.jpg

Richs 010.jpg


Well-Known Member
yeah I had aphids too here are some more focused pics of my problem... I ended up running out and buying ladybugs... they will deal with that problem pretty quick... but the shiney stuff was "sooty" mold from what I was told.... and I ended up having to do a major prune to get rid of most of it. Here are some pix... sooty mold will block the leafs from getting the light... so the leafs end up dieing or did in my case.

