Leaf yellowing ?nute deficiency ?


Update on my first closet grow two of 3 plants were male so down to one last Adams Og , all was good till few days ago sat the 18th all my leafs were green but Sunday Monday Tuesday they started yellowing new growth in the center of the leaf then curling dry edges any one know if it’s nutes or water , light ? All the old growth still seems healthy and dark green I’m on the 2nd week of flower 2555E18E-E730-492C-92C4-106ABBEB26C4.jpeg7BB91CBD-6767-4A89-8DFF-88F1E0C793C9.jpeg
5 gal cloth pot fox farm happy frog soil , only fed one time in veg down to earth bio live , fed once with ‘earth juice rainbow mix pro bloom 2-14 - 2 ‘ one week into flower using same well water as I’ve been it stays at 6.0 ph test it occasionally with blulab ph pen using a vivo sun vs 1000 24 in away from highest growth
I looked at the pics and wondered what bloom food was likely given because it looks like too much Phosphorus in the 1st pic.
Earth juice rainbow mix pro bloom is high in fast acting bat and seabird guano.
Too much bloom food when flowering begins is a common mistake.
okay I started with half of the light feeding amount to be safe but maybe they didn’t need it at all . I will try just water for a few feeds and see what happens thanks @Kushash
okay I started with half of the light feeding amount to be safe but maybe they didn’t need it at all . I will try just water for a few feeds and see what happens thanks @Kushash
One light feeding should not cause such a drastic change. I'm curious if you would detail how you fed the plant. Was it a specific amount of fertilizer added to water then watered in? How much fertilizer to water? What size pots are you growing in?
I only fed once with the bloom Just top dressed with 1 tbsp per gallon was what was suggested and I did half of that. I’m only in a 5 gallon cloth pot I mixed it into the top inch or so of soil then watered till completely saturated waited to water till it was completely dry , I did let it dry out to much the 2nd watering because I was on a weekend trip so when I got back the leafs were droopy but once I watered and it came back in about an hour a few Leafs didn’t come completely back and that’s when I noticed the curling start the next day and the yellowing @Kushash
I may be wrong but afaik with top dressing, each watering after is a feeding also until depleted.

So you may have only top dressed once but that wasn't all used in the first watering
I only fed once with the bloom Just top dressed with 1 tbsp per gallon was what was suggested and I did half of that. I’m only in a 5 gallon cloth pot I mixed it into the top inch or so of soil then watered till completely saturated waited to water till it was completely dry , I did let it dry out to much the 2nd watering because I was on a weekend trip so when I got back the leafs were droopy but once I watered and it came back in about an hour a few Leafs didn’t come completely back and that’s when I noticed the curling start the next day and the yellowing @Kushash
I went back and saw you are using well water. Sometimes well water has a high mineral count so it's never a bad idea to have it tested.
I can't tell what the problem is other than it appears in the 1st pic to be a lockout from bloom food/phosphorus. The second pic looks like it fried.
I see you used Bio Live in veg, I am a fan of bio live. I've used it as a top dressing through entire grows and it supplies enough bloom food all the way through without the need for bloom boosters in my experience.
Keep this in mind in the future. A common mistake is feeding bloom food in the early stages of flowering. In the early stages, during the stretch, the plant can be fed a balanced fert as nitrogen is still vital. when the stretch is over it might not hurt to add a bloom food but in my experience a balanced fert will keep a cannabis healthy till harvest. I tend to feed 3 or 4 TBL of something like bio live every 3 weeks or so in a 5 gallon pot. It takes experience to get a feel for when to feed. I always feel it's better to learn to feed by reading the plant and allow it to show early signs of needing a top dressing. If done this way and with a healthy soil, the 1st deficiency will likely be Nitrogen and will show in the lower leaves. That would be when I would top dress with something like Bio Live and then go water only for about 3 weeks. In veg I also have Epsom salt in my arsenal for the occasional Magnesium deficiency. I never use bloom boosters, not saying they are bad as some here use them successfully.
Good Luck!
Thank you for the advice like I said I am new to this and this is my first grow so any advice helps & I got recommended these nutes so I decided to give them a go ! But I will try keep this in mind thanks ! @Kushash
I may be wrong but afaik with top dressing, each watering after is a feeding also until depleted.

So you may have only top dressed once but that wasn't all used in the first watering
I was told that organic dry ammendment top dresses take 2 weeks via microorganisms/bacteria etc to become bio available to plants.
I looked at the pics and wondered what bloom food was likely given because it looks like too much Phosphorus in the 1st pic.
Earth juice rainbow mix pro bloom is high in fast acting bat and seabird guano.
Too much bloom food when flowering begins is a common mistake.
This is what I saw. First thing came to mind was over feed. It has bite burn and the yellowing is likely but not always nitrogen deficiency. however there is great place I found that shows EVERY issue any element commonly used causes with picture and written description on how to fix. Let me find it ah yes Dutch Passion.
This is what I saw. First thing came to mind was over feed. It has bite burn and the yellowing is likely but not always nitrogen deficiency. however there is great place I found that shows EVERY issue any element commonly used causes with picture and written description on how to fix. Let me find it ah yes Dutch Passion.
If you look at iron deficiency in the link you posted, you will see the similarities to the OP's 1st picture. Iron lockout/deficiency can be caused by too much bloom food/ phosphorus.
@Kushash what would be best resolution for the over feeding just flushing ? And do I cut the already yellowed and browned leafs ?
If it was me, I would not flush I would give the plant water only, no bloom food. If a leaf is more than 50% damaged and is drying out, I'd probably remove it. I'd try to keep the upper leaves if they only have minor yellowing. Next, I would try to read the plant to see if a legitimate deficiency develops over time. My guess is a legitimate deficiency is still going to be Nitrogen even in mid flower, which will show up as yellowing on the lowest fan leaves. If things go that way were a nitrogen deficiency developed, I would feed with a balanced fertilizer like Bio Live (1 TBL per gallon of soil) and then go water only for 2 or 3 weeks. I like adding some earth worm castings as an additional top dressing when adding a balanced top dressing.