Leaf readers....whats going on with these leaves????


I have a few medical plants going the leaves keep dying. The 5 point leaf is from a green crack plant. The 3 point leaf is from a Tahoe OG.

The plants started under a 6bulb t5 for 2 weeks and have now been under a 600w for week 1. 750w now for week 2.

I was going to veg them for one more week, but the leaves keep randomly dying off.

I use H+G and have used Magic Green on them twice. But right when the lights go off.

About a week ago I left the doors closed and may have heat stressed them....but would that still have leaves showing effects a week later??

Could it be mold?? it doesn't rub off though and the leaf is crispy to the touch.damaged-3-2.jpgdamaged-10.jpgdamaged-2-2.jpg



Active Member
Where on the plant is this occurring? The New Growth? Old Growth? Top Bottom middle? Does it move in from the tips or out from the stem or is it more random?


Active Member
Check PH - Do this first, if it is off, fix it and wait for the plants to respond.
Check Air Circulation
Without knowing where this is occurring, IMO this is a deficiency either N or MG, if you are fertilizing normally, it is prob MG, some calmag or epsom salts will remedy that. It doesn't look like a nute burn.


I dont think it can be nute burn or ph.

it seems as though it may be a fresh air problem. the new growth for the past week as been slow/stunted so leaves that seem to be dying are from the prior stress. At least i'm hoping. I'm using H+G and am only at a ppm of 1050 / EC 1.6. I use RO water and when I last fed my plants at 5.8 ph. I checked the water as it drained and it was 6.12. I'm growing in Royal Gold Coco basement mix.

Everything seems to be in order except that heat problem i for 2 days which i'm hoping is leaving some carry-over leaf damage.