leaf pruning

Hey everybody, I'm on my first grow with 2 very fast growing northern lights plants under a 90w 1w LED UFO(80r/10b) in an aeroponics system. The plants are going on week 5 veg stage and are about 14-15" tall so far. The only problem is that they fill out with leaves so much that the plants are bushy as hell and not allowing any light to the lower leaves. And when I say bushy, I mean there is 0% light hitting the base...every possible crack has a leaf growing in it to get the light.

So, I did what I've done with other plants(not cannabis) in the past, and prune off the large,early leaves to allow for light to the sprouting branches, and to help with circulation obviously. Is this a good thing to do with these plants or did I just damage it?


Well-Known Member
funny you should ask this. I want t know the same thing lol. I am growing purple kush and my older leaves are soooooo huge, they like hog all the light. but in the same breath the fan leaves are used for photosynthesis during veg soooo, i dunno
no pics right now, I probably should have taken before and after for reference. And yes I was talking about the large, older leaves. Yes, they are big breathers and good for synth, but I have so many leaves that it shouldn't matter and needed to make room for new leaf sprouts.