Leaf Problem

My first cabinet grow- an auto AK and an auto blueberry. Soil grow (FF amended w/ perlite and moisture crystals). Sprouted on 10/26 and nothing but water since.

I initially had them on two 65w, 6300k CFLs and added two Cree 13w daylights (thanks, Capt!). I kept the CFLs 1.5-3" away from both until yesterday when I noticed the AK getting brown spots on the tips. I removed 1 CFL thinking it was leaf burn, put in 2 more Crees roughly 8" away, added another 2700k Cree w/o the bulb, and moved the 1 CFL further back to about 8" as well. However, it appears it has spread and is now on both plants. Any ideas? Maybe time to start the nutrients?



Well-Known Member
Do not give them any nutrients for at least 4 weeks. FFOF has all they will need for at least that long. What you are seeing is likely a very mild nute burn as FFOF can be a bit much for young plants. They look fine to me, take the less is more approach. I would also move the lights back to within 3".


Well-Known Member
I agree that it could be a calcium deficiency. I would suggest not messing with them at this stage, but if you have the funds pick up some calmag. If there is a nutrient you can safely add at this stage it is some calmag (try a 1/2 dose and see how they respond). Cannabis is a calcium and magnesium hungry plant.

You should think about mixing some dolomite lime and epsom salts in with your soil on the next grow.. or if you are going to transplant, but it looks like they are growing in their final containers.
Well, I think I made my first rookie mistake and found the problem: I left the timer switch to 'on' rather then 'timer'. The two plants have been getting 24 hr light for at least the past three days.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about giving them 24hrs of light. I veg my plants under 24 hours of light and they love it. Just make sure you switch to 18/6 or similar about a week before flower so they can acclimate to getting some dark before flowering. Some people will tell you your chance of getting a male is much greater under 24hrs but I just got 9 out of 11 females using 24hours light and haven't had any problem in the past. Opinions will differ though...