Leaf/Nutrient problems


Active Member
I am growing my plant in a 2 liter tank. The tank is enclosed in a dark bucket with a lid over it. The lights are on a 24 sched with a 400W Mh. The temperature of the air is 74 degrees and it fluctuates from that to about 80 though out the day. When I add my nutrients I adjust the Ph of the nutrient solution to 5.7 and then I add it to the tank. I am using a miracle grow 30-10-10 solution mixed at 75% percent recommended strength. She is a little over a month old, she is developing secondary leaves at the stem. I have noticed some of the leaves show signs of a deficiency of something. Does anyone know what they are I attached photos.



Active Member
Haha thanks.....I looked up several set ups online. I just modified a DWC setup to my own liking. But I am really concerned about these leaves. Any help would be awsome.


Well-Known Member
I would read up on nute burn, that's what it looks like from what I've heard and seen. I am on my first grow and still a noob, so I am not too sure.


Active Member
looks like nute burn, I have used miracal gro before and you have to use about a 1/4 strenghth very harsh stuff. mopsy


Well-Known Member
flush with water then just water for 2 turns than try about 1/8 strenth and wrk your way up to 1/4, what is that medium you are using ???