Leaf edges turning strong yellow, almost white and new growth is yellowing


This happened about overnight. The edges of the upper leaves only turned practically white. I have had problems before of there being white spots on my leaves, but I figured that it was due to me making the mistake of misting the plants with the lights on. I stopped doing that, and then the edges of the leaves turned white. I was going to just wait a bit and see if it went away, but the new growth is getting somewhat yellow, so I'm worried that it is something serious.
This is my first grow.
I'm using 2 2700K 42 watt CFLs and 2 5600K or around that rating 42 watt CFLs. My temperatures used to run a little hot, but they're around 78-81 now, for the most part.
I'm watering using reverse osmosis water. I don't think I over-watered it, but I suppose it is possible.
I'm using miraclegrow soil, yes I know, it can cause problems. I figured that I had just burned the plant, which, while annoying, is not the worst thing in the world. Then I saw the yellow growth and I wanted to make sure.
I watered using half of the recommended amount of schult'z nutes, which added to the miracle grow soil is a lot of nutes.
My question is
why are the edges of my leaves yellow-white, and why is my new growth yellowing?
If burning the plant causes this specific problem, well then the answer isn't difficult, and I suppose I should just stop watering for a while and stop the nutes completely.
If burning doesn't cause this specific problem...then what is going on?SDC10647.jpgSDC10646.jpg