leaf defects please help

I recently got a couple clones, (theyre from different plants), one was cut at a veg stage but the other was cut right in the beginning of flowering stage. A week into having it it started growing white and orange hairs and what looked like little tiny buds. Anyway thats not the prob. The newer leaves on the flowering one are defected/ not fully matured. They will either have only the main middle leaf at the end of the stem( missing the outer 4, two on each side) or they have 3 leaves at the end of the stem(missing outer two, one on each side). I gave both of them some phosphorus rich fertilizer for rooting but as may of you probably know, phosphorus makes plants flower liek crazy too. My theory is that they put all there energy into rooting and flowering cuz of this and not into making new leaves, but thats just my theory. IM new to growing so please help, it would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Just think of them as clones even though they still look like they are flowering. The deformed leaves are normal, and the flowered clone will take a while before it begins popping leaf sets that look normal.


Well-Known Member
yeah, your gonna see more leaves like that for a while since your reverting it to veg. dont be bothered by em, they are not a sign of some major problem just part of the reverting back process.