Lazypothead's 4x4 Critical Kush Geekbeast Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey guy's and gal's, I recently decided to get back into growing.. Been around 7 years since my last grow. So just a heads up I will probably have a ton of questions along the way. I've spent a good part of the past 2 months on here reading and soaking in all of the knowledge that's on RIU to catch up on things and try and remember all the things i've forgotten. Feel free to comment with any knowledge or questions!

Flower Room 4x4:
Geekbeast Pro 630w
A/C Infinity 6" Fan & Filter

Veg Room 3x3:
HLG 135w v2Bspec
A/C Infinity 4" Fan

Soil: FFOF/Perlite

Dr. Earth 4-4-4 & 3-9-4, EWC

Foliar: Epsom/Protekt

Watering: Unsulphered Molasses/Coconut Water

Strain: Barney's Farm Critical Kush

This run I am doing 6 Fem seeds so I can find a pheno for future SCROG.


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Yeah for now lol. And allbr, I've never personally used coconut water before but from what I've read it has a ton of cytokines which will help with node growth and make nodes closer together. Used up until flowering stretch has stopped.

Coconut Water As Organic Cannabis Fertiliser

Using Coconut Water As Organic Cannabis Fertiliser
Coconut water is an all-natural cannabis growth accelerator for organic and hydroponic growing systems. It boosts clone development, enhances root growth from seeds, and boosts overall plant vigour. If you want an organic solution for bigger marijuana plants, coconut water is for you.
You might be surprised to know that not only is coconut water good for your health, it is also good for the health of cannabis plants. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, natural sugars and amino acids, and in particular, cytokinins. Interestingly, if you are injured and lost in the tropics, coconut water can be used as a replacement for a blood plasma drip. This was done often during WW2 and kept many soldiers alive in the absence of actual plasma. Although, why you would be lost in the tropics with an intravenous drip kit is anybody's guess.
Coconut water is a favourite thirst quencher and natural tonic in the tropics. It satisfies thirst better than water and gives a boost to the body with its broad spectrum of beneficial constituents. Expecting mothers are encouraged to drink coconut water and athletes swear by its long-lasting hydrating properties. The same impressive array of beneficial characteristics also benefits the marijuana plant.

Not to be confused with coconut milk or cream (which is wrung from the meat of the coconut), coconut water is the fluid that is held within the hollow of the nut or endosperm. When a healthy coconut is cracked open with a machete, the ensuing gush is coconut water. It is comprised mainly of water (96%), with the rest being natural sugar, proteins, amino acids, good carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fats, fatty acids, and fibre. Coconut water not only quenches the thirst and gives the body a substantial dose of its daily requirements, it suppresses hunger and aids digestion, lowers cholesterol, is an antioxidant, and a mighty fine hangover cure.
Cannabis benefits from coconut water for the very same reasons, with the added benefit of being entirely organic. Like all seeds, the coconut has everything a young plant needs to get established. It feeds young palms until roots form to take up nutrients and leaves form to begin transpiration. Coconut water can replace a number of secret grow formulas created in labs. Adding as little as 15ml per litre of water will cause vigorous growth in marijuana. Plants will display taller growth with less spacing between nodes and more bud sites. The rich formula means checking EC prior to adding standard nutes, so as not to overfeed.
Cytokinins (Zeatin) Cannabis

Cytokinins are enzymes which signal the root cells to divide and develop more roots (cytokinesis). This is essential for coconut palms as rapid root development means quicker uptake of water and nutrients in uncompromising environments. The tropics are great for getting a tan, but the heat can be taxing on young plants. The sooner water and nutrients are synthesised by the growing plant, the better.
In cannabis, the cytokinins promote similar rapid cell division and root growth. A healthy and large rhizosphere means more nutrients and water are available to the growing plants. Cytokinins also signal cell division and rapid growth of new shoots in the plant above ground, and accelerate growth of lateral shoots. They also stimulate leaf expansion and promote larger leaf stomata. Combining these features means explosive growth in the marijuana plant. Cannabis is a fast-growing annual by nature; adding coconut water to the process means growth is set to overdrive.
Quick update, ladies are a day old and looking great! It's been cold here lately and with my heat always coming on I noticed my humidity is sitting at 30%. Thankfully I have the dome for now. Anyone have any recommendations for a good but fairly cheap humidifier/dehumidifier and controller setup? Room the tents are in is only 15ftx20ft.


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5 gallon bucket with lid and a 6 inch fan... cut hole in lid that will hold 6 inch fan. Place holes halfway down bucket... fill with 1/3 water and turn fan on... cheap humidifier
That's a good idea! I figure once I get em in some real pots and it warms up a bit here so my heat isn't always on that will bring the humidity up enough. If it's still a lil on the low side I'll have to figure something out.
Quick update! Girls are lookin good, maybe a touch of nute burn or over water on one but other then that they seem to be happy. Mixed up my soil today to start cooking.
My soil recipe:
Dr. Earth 4-4-4 - 1/2 cup per .5cu ft. or 2 tbsp per gallon
EWC - 1/2 cup per gallon
Perlite - 20%
Should've been mixed up a couple weeks ago but what do you expect from a lazypotheadbongsmilie


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Weekly update: they all seem to be doing good!


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Weekly update: Girls got a new home and some bigger pots. Topped them at the 4th node 2 days ago. Sprinkled great white mycorrhizae on the roots before transplant. Somehow forgot to use it on the first 2. So I guess we will have a comparison on using myco vs. Not. The front and back 2 on the right side are the 2 w/o myco. Question for you guys. I mixed up more dirt then I needed, I cooked it for a couple weeks so I'm not sure will it stay good or what will happen to it? Do i need to do anything with it when decide to use it?


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Update: their all growing nice. But I did notice some purpling of the stems. Anyone know what's going on here? Thinking magnesium deficiency but I'm no expert lol.


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Weekly update: Started doing foliar feed 2x a week with 1/4 tsp Epsom and 1/2 tsp Protekt per gallon a few days ago. Did a little defoliation on the bottom of the bushier ones. Got lucky and ended up with 3 tops on a couple and 4 tops on one. All in all pretty uneventful so far. Gonna topdress with Dr. Earth 4-4-4 tomorrow 2 tablespoons per gallon with a handful of EWC. The leaves on one are turning sideways, genetics or something else? I definitely have atleast 2 different pheno's. 3 are leaning in the indica side and other 3 sativa.


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Update: well I've been dealing with some issues that I still haven't quiet resolved. Fingers crossed things will be turning around soon. I'm thinking about taking clones, cleaning up the lower stuff and flipping soon. What you guys think? But anyways, here's how their looking as of now. And a shot of some 4-4-4 & EWC cooking for my next topdress!


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