Laying Down and Yellow Circles?


Active Member
seedlings and its scotts potting soil, some are mixed with merical grow, I'm thinking it's a nitrogen deficiency but Idk?


Active Member
seedlings and its scotts potting soil, some are mixed with merical grow, I'm thinking it's a nitrogen deficiency but Idk?
well my second question is: where are they being grown? it looks like it's outdoors. they look pretty healthy to me, but generally growing with pre-fertilized soil or miracle grow is a bad idea, because you don't really have any control over how much your plants get fed - over-abundance in certain nutrients can cause an early lockout to others.

if you're growing outdoors its possible they could have a disease or maybe are struggling for light.


Active Member
they're not struggling for light, i know thats for sure because they get all day from 8:am till basically 7:00pm of sunlight, i just think they're like that because when they were little i had to bring them in for 3 days straight and they didn't get any sunlight becuase of the cold and hard rain. So i just put soil up the stems so they are straight now but i'm hoping that they will stay straight. But besides that they look fine? Is it normal for them to get those yellowish green leafs?