Late flower nanners - pics


Good day!

I wanted to share some photos and thoughts on LATE flower nanners. It is of course strain dependent, but cannabis plants may throw male flowers when stressed and un-pollinated late in flower. I have found this to be a common issue with White Fire (wifi), but only effecting lower, less developed flowers, which is the primary reason I prune all lower branches and flower sites now.

We are not talking about light leaks here or hermies early in flower. We are talking second spurt foxtailing phase. What I mean by this is, the flowers have matured and fully developed. It has been at least a week or two since any major swelling has occurred and many weeks since you’ve seen any new pistols. The girls are pretty much ready for a flush, but waiting on trich color. Then, one day you wake up and find new growth, white pistols and foxtailing. For me, this is a sign that the plants have been pushed too long and we probably have some nanners. It’s a confusing time though, as you want to keep pushing them, especially now that you see some new growth. But that new growth is not going to equate to much, if anything. Your decision of course depends on your own situation. Personally, I believe the new growth is the plants last ditch attempt at pollination, by throwing out some nanners and doing it herself. It’s my signal to start the flush immediately.

I learned the hard way. But now know to keep a very close eye on my girls when we are getting closer to harvest, and not to push them so far. I’m not concerned about % amber triches anymore, only cloudy. I once pushed my girls past the 13 week mark trying to get rid of all clear, it wasn’t a good thing. The dry flowers ended up looking mostly brown, the taste and quality was poor.



Well-Known Member
Yes..very strain dependent. Just have to learn your ladies. Extreme long harvests are dumb. I have always felt the diff in high was negligible while terp degradation was noticable.