Late Cloning


Active Member
Hello everyone!! My have news of great success! My first time hydroponics setup was deemed successful! All until the final days!

I had 4 plants growing in my cabinet where 2 turned out to be male, and 2 turned out to be female.

I had seen pictures of both and had an idea of what to expect. But of course, my plants being a different strain from my learned samples, they tricked me! Some little pods exploded in my cabinet right on top of my females. Am i doomed? Is my crop ruined?! :confused::confused::confused:

Lastly, I want to try cloning these plants. The 2 females I do have are incredibly strong, and look great to this point. Is it too late to clone them? Is cloning only possible during vegetative states?

And will I be able to use these plants after flowering and harvesting is done? Or am I doomed to shred them?

So many questions! Sorry to just put it all out here. I figured its better than a new thread per question ne ways.

Thanks in advance!! I'll have pictures of cured buds in probably 2 weeks!!!@:hump:
