Last chance to legalize please read!!!!!! Important!@!!


Well-Known Member
''The top 10 rated ideas from the final round will be presented to the Obama administration on January 16th at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, co-hosted by the Case Foundation. At the event we will also announce the launch of a national advocacy campaign behind each idea in collaboration with our nonprofit partners to turn each idea into actual policy.''

ON Obama is giving americans the last chance to pick what they think should be changed. Legalizing medicinal and recreational marijunana is winning!! and has been for the past 5 days!!!
So go to that and sign up you have ot have a valid email so u can click the conformation link.
Vote for Legalizing medicinal and recreational use of marijuana and vote for End the war on drugs (in 4th right now!!)

So plllllllllllease do it ... its our last chance to make it happen!!!


Well-Known Member
wow, i just voted. and it is number 1

thats fucking awesome!!!

it would be great if that was the number one change heard around the country and happened...

plus rep to u kindbud


Well-Known Member
Kindbud: thanks for posting this, I hope people do the right thing and vote. To all the procrastinators out there.....You're vote counts! we NEED change, and obama isn't going to do it all on his own, thats for sure.


Well-Known Member
Deffinitly man, I voted, I also noticed that ending the war on drugs has moved up to number 3!! My gf is gonna vote, and I'm spreading the link to all my buddies!!


Well-Known Member
yeah i'm about to do the same thing, if everyone voted that was busted in 08 wouldn't there be close to a million votes?


Well-Known Member
yeah i'm about to do the same thing, if everyone voted that was busted in 08 wouldn't there be close to a million votes?

Yeah the thing is... not alot of ppl know about it. thats why i was kinda suprised most of you didnt hear bout it . All we got to do is keep spreading the word!!! its workign already man its up ahead by 2000 votes!!! the first 4 days it was up by 800-1000.. Keep doing it We GOT IT!!!:leaf::leaf:


Active Member
Thanks for the link, man. I voted. Maybe everyone here will want to make a change! Legalization still up by 2000 votes!!!!!!!


New Member
Apparently Obama ducked the Marijuana question on his website for a second time.

Everybody go to and vote, I want to see him try to dance around it in front of the news cameras.