Started out these guys a couple weeks ago, Seeing weird growing patterns. 1 came out with 3 cotyledons, is way smaller than the others, making 3 leaf sets. I heard this is fairly common. On the next one, the second true leaves that should have 3 points, one side has the big point and only one small side leaf (so 2 points) and the pair is 1 point but the smaller “points” are fused into it! The last one im worried about, the main stalk stopped growing straight up. It switched to the side branch on the second set of leaves (3 point) and is growing off of that branch now. What the hell is up with these seeds? A buddy gave me a bag of like 20-30. 3/5 i have in the ground have those mutations ordefects. Is this bad genetics? Stress on mom plant? The remaining 2 are doing pretty well and they are with my 40 day old plant which is also doing well, so i don’t think I stressed them out or caused it ? If they’re bad genetics is it going to cause damage in yield or thc? Just wondering since I’m having trouble finding something to explain the three different mutations out of 5? Photos for reference in order of my list (I am treating for thrips right now so please be kind about those symptoms)

In this last one, you can really see how fucked up it is. top leaf split and is growing odd, branches growing wrong out of nodes. Very confused and I just really don’t want to chop them all down. I mean this is probably a good indication all the other seeds will likely pop mutations similar?

In this last one, you can really see how fucked up it is. top leaf split and is growing odd, branches growing wrong out of nodes. Very confused and I just really don’t want to chop them all down. I mean this is probably a good indication all the other seeds will likely pop mutations similar?