LadyBugs Vs Pesticides???


Well-Known Member
Depends on what ur tryin to get rid off. Of course organic is always better then pesticide but lady bugs don't do the job 100%. They helped get rid of my mites but I still found thrips last after havin ladys in there for a few weeks so they don't eat everything. Id suggest u release some ladys bugs and use neem oil once a week so keep bugs away. Neem oil didn't harm my lady bugs. If u already have a bug problem then id recommend some kind of pesticide depending on how serious it is. Monterey garden spray is a very good organic pesticide

Also after letting the lady bugs lose in my garden, like 75% of them disappeared so only like a handful are actually chillin on the plants. I must have released aleast a couple hundred over 2 weeks. Im pretty sure many got out and the rest are just in all the dark spots like under the pots and stuff. So add extra!