La Niña genetics/mullimbumby madness/Neville seeds/ old school breeders association i


Well-Known Member
I recently finished a couple of La Niña. In truth I wasn't interested in this strain myself but grew if for a friend. Well in the end it was me who was surprised. I found the aroma, taste, and effect very enjoyable.

Since most of my work has been with MNS gear I know what caught my attention did not come from the black widow side. In the description it only mentions haze. So I started combing through the forums. I've come across posts from SHANTI where he explains that this strains is the only strain that doesn't come from haze A, C , or a combination of both. Instead the haze in this strain comes from a strain he worked with in Australia. He considers it a thia Colombian inbreed line and others call it MULLIMBIMBY MADNESS. (MM)

This seems believable to me because I've tried almost all the haze offerings at MNS and this is distinctly different in a good way.

Ever since Nev broke away from MNS I've googled him every couple of months and each search leads me to OSBA (old school breeders assiociation). Until this time I haven't found any info on them. This time I found a post that lead me to reefer man seeds website. On there he lists the places to buy his genuine seeds. OSBA ISNT ON THAT LIST. But on the OSBA site it does show his seeds. I found another site where someone claims Nev has confirmed a website but doesn't name it. Since I have little trust and have plenty of beans left to pop I've waited. I'm leaning HEAVILY towards this being a scam site. So when I started searching last night for MM it brought me back to OSBA website. Ironically it's crossed with Nev haze 21.

Since I know Nev and Shanti were close and shared everything. It stands to reason that he might have the closest thing to what I'm looking for. I want to BUY it for a possible future cross to pull out the traits I like. OSBA CLAIMS to have Neville seeds. Of those strains listed is a Nev haze 21 x MM.

I have 4 MNS Nev hazes in the flower room now. So I have no idea what that will bring me. But if this cross is real I would be able to pick out the MM phenos. I have a winter cleaning pack of 100 coming soon of the La Niña. But if I can't buy what I'm looking for this could be what brings me to starting to make my own crosses.

I've never crossed before. So I'm not sure yet whether trying to inbreed La Niña or cross breeding with another MM cross would bring me where I wanted to go faster!

How about helping a guy out?
Location to buy true MM or a good cross that expresses mostly MM?
Location to buy true Nev seeds?
If I can find another true MM cross which would be faster inbreeding or cross breeding?

Or would inline breeding both towards the MM side for a future cross be better.

Like I said I like to plan ahead. I'm probably a year out from starting this but I'd like to start getting a plan together.


Well-Known Member
the only place you'll find the real MM is the northern NSW area around Mullum and Nimbin. There is a few phenotypes up there too that all came from the original that Shanti bred. I have tried it a few times and it is some strong ass weed, the plants grow into trees too so a long summer is needed to reach its full potential. Shanti told me a while back that La nina is a hybrid using MM, the shorter phenotype.


Well-Known Member
Yes I've read about the location and how tall it gets. I know that I can't use a 20 foot tree with a 1 foot diameter trunk! But what ever is working in La Niña I can easily manage. That's why I mentioned crossing. Since I've only grown and never breed. I have no idea if inbreeding La Niña and selecting for those features alone is faster than using 2 different lines with 50% MM each. Then starting with an F1 cross of the 2 and inline breeding from the cross alone. At this point a cross is only possible if OSBA is credible and actually has the cross I'm talking about. Which remains to be seen. Because from what I've been able to find on Nevs 21 x MM it is taller than La Niña but I could still fit it. Through selection I would only choose a pheno that maintained that trait.


Well-Known Member
I should probably break this up into a few different threads. And I'm mainly interested in breeding. Because if crossing doesn't lead me where I want to go faster everything I'm asking become less important to me.


Well-Known Member
Know one has tried old school breeders association? Or heard about Neville releasing new lines he's breed since coming back to scene and parting ways with MNS?

I know someone has had to try it. People forked out for green thumbs G13. I still think about it myself but can't bring myself to try it. But that's twice the risk for me. (New breeder and questions about genetics being real). With my delemia here I wouldn't question nev or his genetics. But With only being available on one site with no reputation and the small signals I can find leads me to believe this a scam. But I hope I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
I grew a cut from Nevilles new work that was passed by a friend, the cross was Mullum x oax 8.5... Some really nice heady puff, 15wk finishing time with a citrus pissy aroma and flavor.

i don't know where he got them, but it wansn't from the vendor you mentioned.

Have you tried asking around the mr.nice boards?


Well-Known Member
old guy[who used to be on forums early y2k ] from OZ gave me old mullumn seeds a few yrs ago..supposed to be last of original batch fwiw
i popped em..did npt get hermi'sthough the odd intersex male pod later on[normal for se asians]
.there was one that was way early …like 9 weeks...full of resin and still looked sativa
he had told me to watch out for it and luckily got onethe first try
on subsquent grows of the seeds i have just got the long flower s e asian style sativa with thebsame kind of smell/taste associated with it…tall also..the shorter one is better and the normal looking ones are ok potency but not treasures..there may be some inthere though

i sensed zero "haze" in them..i keep the short/early frosty mullum clone

ihad bought some of the mullum x nh crosses a few years back but somehow i cannot find em


Well-Known Member
Hey Goldberg, been reading your stuff pending trying La Nina. Just to say, I did notice Southern Star sell a sativa x Mullum: (SSS are legit, ive bought direct but they are using a seedbank now)
Thanks for the post Taz. I bookmarked the page. It does look interesting. Unfortunately I've stocked up recently from MNS. I got a handful of spring cleanings. And another handful of strains to check out first. I'm still searching and thinking about this. I'm going to start with La Niña spring cleaning but before that I've g13 and afghan hazes sexed that need to run their course. My guess is I've put that search off for a year. I've been recently thinking about going with Flying Dutchmen original haze. Supposedly that's the beginning point and only has 5-6 phenos.


Well-Known Member
That FD Haze does look promising from pics iv'e seen. I've tried a few but i'm not really a haze fan tbh, taste wize at least. Growing indoor I was looking for a Sativa, the right one, but that would max out in my space. Had Vietnam Black x Thai last year but they just got out of hand.. and not really what I was looking for. That Gold Rush is very likely it, the Mullum side, plant in their advertising.. personally, i'd have to raise the roof.
Almost certain the trippy, sticky, creamy, 'specialness' of 80's 90's Oz Sativas came from the Thai genetics, Thai Stick.

Slow process isn't it ; )

LN is on its way!
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Well-Known Member
I don't know about Nevil this Rimmeo guy supposedly had some of his seeds a few people said he came through but I seen more people get ripped off. I don't see why he would have trouble getting into a legit seedbank to sell his shit but till then I can wait damn sure ain't trying to go through a guy ripping people off all I asked the guy for was a picture of the seed packs he was selling through his E-mail never showed me a picture so I didn't buy and everyone that did at the time got ripped off even after I found threads where he ripped people off. lol

But I'm not too big on the sativa lines the high is not really better to me some say it's racy I say it's weed that just takes too long to flower. :bigjoint:Possibly more psychological cause your told it's racy and takes so long but I almost think Robert Clarke is more accurate with the narrow leaf drug cannabis or whatever it was cause you can have about the same cannabinoid profile from a hybrid that's quicker and of course C99. Sure some Hazes are really good though just had to grab SSH. :bigjoint:Mostly cause their are good 9 weekers to be found even at least 1 clone only 9 weeker in CA.


Well-Known Member
Rimmeo did me good..then i lost the seeds somewhere..sheesh

imho if you really want sativa's then c99 will not do...even though its an alright plant crosses /no hybrids//just get sativa and tough it out..its worth it when you get the right plant

there are racy and non racy sativa's

i do agree that one does not need a 21 week sativa to be satisfied...


Active Member
oldschoolba has a few of nevils original seeds left. we are hoping on getting more but nevil can be different but a great guy!