L.A. Orders 140 Medical Marijuana Dispensaries to Close


For some reason I thought this applied to all of the dispensaries within LA County. Not sure how I came to that conclusion, but I'm happy to find out I was wrong.

How the hell did they single these places out? Canoga Park, Hollywood, Sherman Oaks, San Pedro, Venice etc. I don't understand the method to their madness.


Active Member
Are you still trying to hijack my current topic thread into prop 19 hypogarble even after the mods nuked your last post?
Don't you care about the army of lower class wage earners that are getting the boot and now out of work? (Legitimate work)

Im guessing this is thousands of people out of a job.
Lets try and keep the friendly vibe going or just start your own topic.


Well-Known Member

i'll say it again and again and again and again

and if you don't like it, too bad....


and if you post something online, expect a response. and if it's something to do with california cracking down on 'medical marijuana', i'll bring in Prop 19 b/c you know that if it passed none of this crap would be happening.

i'm here to rub it in.



I will ask again, does anyone know why some dispensaries located within LAC (mainly speaking about San Gabriel Valley) were not subject to this closure/raffle thing?

Apologies if it seems to be a stupid question, but I don't understand how these places are regulated. Is it up to the city they are located in, or does it go by the county?

(edit: fuck it. I will find out somewhere else.)


Well-Known Member
I am given to understand that each can pass their own separate ordinances and laws. I have been trying to follow some of it and it just makes my head hurt - even though I don't have much problem reading such things ordinarily. Each municipality can spell out it's own regulations and some of them are built with contingencies based upon what their county or even the Feds do in the future. 215 and 420 left a WHOLE lot of loop holes and vagueness. If you are going to author decent law, DON'T smoke while you are doing it.


Well-Known Member

i'll say it again and again and again and again

and if you don't like it, too bad....


and if you post something online, expect a response. and if it's something to do with california cracking down on 'medical marijuana', i'll bring in Prop 19 b/c you know that if it passed none of this crap would be happening.

i'm here to rub it in.


LOL that's all fantastic but your still hi jacking the thread :/

and back to the topic: I read its was something to do with how many infraction dispensary's got as a country. Pretty sure it had something to do with fiances as well.