kush plants are dying,please help


Well-Known Member
my kush plants are a few weeks old and ive been struggling the whole way.im new to hydro and i keep my ph in check .i dont have a ppm pen but i ran the same nutes on the last grow and didnt have a problem,the lights are 1- 400 watt hps about 2 feet above the tops and the temps are about 82-85 at high.i dont know what to do and im about to lose them,please help



Well-Known Member
can anyone help a hydro newbie out please,when i say newbie i mean this is my second grow with hydro,the first one went good but this one is crap


how is your air circulation? humidity? Do a flush and maybe go easier with the nutes. 85F is MAXIMUM temperature any more is danger zone. I aim for 75F. I you were satisfied with your first grow and nothing has changed but the plants maybe this is not a good strain for you?


Well-Known Member
i got good air circulation,i wish i could get the temps down a few deg but it is what it is.i already flushed but i was thinking the same thing,this isnt a good strain for me,plus the last grow was from clone so that might make a diffrence as well.ill flush again but do you know what the problem is so i can fix the problem,tanks


Well-Known Member
i keep the ph at 5.5-6.2,i try to keep it at 5.5-5.8 but it jumps pretty quick.im using the oneness from humboldts,with a tiny bit of cal-mag