knuckling autos

Okay, so I've read that with some of the longer, higher producing auto's that it might be worth knuckling the plants, but not pruning. I am growing some smurfberryXwhite russian autos that are supposed to produce up to a qp a plant with some of the bigger ones producing up to a hp possibly. What I want to know is if anyone has any experience with knuckling autos, does it put too much stress on a plant with such a short veg period? And if you've done it successfully, about when should I do it? Thanks!

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i think it's possible to get a good yield from autos that have long flowering times. i wouldn't try super cropping a 60 day wonder auto.


Well-Known Member
go for it .....
i pinch all mine into position .....
just space it out and dont do it to every branch at the same time
ive done it on the mains too.....
Nice okay, I thought you where supposed to bend the main stalk... im kind of new at this still so be patient with me. About when should I do it?