Know Any Famous Influential People On Drugs

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
sitting here nice and high after smoking :eyesmoke: i was just wondering if you guys can name some like famous or well known people that have done great things under the influence or about drugs. not like actors... like didnt dr sueus mess with something. Or some scienist discover something while on something . know wat i mean...............just curious to know


Active Member
Current Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland was quoted on saying “there were a couple of occasions when it was passed around – and, unlike President Clinton, I did inhale!” :leaf:


Kick Stick

Active Member
all the founding fathers (of canada and the united states) smoked weed. the first prime minister of canada set a hotel on fire when he got really drunk and stoned and fell asleep with a blunt in his hand and set his bed on fire and ben franklin probably obnly survived the lightning striking him because he was stoned think about it people marijuana has been a part of our world even before we were born so in my final words i say



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