knocking on deaths door ???

hey guys... first time grower here and kinda lost - -
got a clone from a friend almost a foot tall till he topped it and transplanted it... Im using cfls and he had a bigger light system

he's got bx pro mix in the pot with some vermiculite ( don't know how much ) . . he's also got it double potted to make an air gap or something he said
he tells me not to worry about ph and problems - - he says he's gave it no nutes - but he's not the brightest - i believe he confuses fert and nutes
I told him bx pro mix HAS nutes in it but he looks at me like im retarded

there's new growth where he cut it but the plant itself while being a nice green (as far as I know ) feels like scrachy paper and some leaves have started curling down (clawing?) there's two red lines running up the main stock and some stems going to the leaves are redish/purple
could all this just be from shock ??? due to the different grow room temperature / size of lights ? topping and transplanting at once ?
got a cheap ph tester and I've got the ph of the water between 6-7 but I've read bx promix has ph of 5ish and just adding tap water (ph8) evens it out before it gets to the plant. if I give it 6.5 water ph it could make it too low...
this guys not a big help at all - if I ask him for an explanation its always "just cuz that's what you do" which is not good enough for me

I've no idea the strain he says white widow but idea how long it's been in veg

I'll be attaching pics - - thanks in advance if anyone can help this poor first time grower



Well-Known Member
I haveno experience with pro mix, but I thought it didn't have much for nutes, some but not as strong as FF or RO. That said not much you can do, just keep watering it and wait for new growth. looks fine to me, but if it gets much worse repost pics
I had been misting with b1 hormone in the water because its papery dry. The top bit of water gets dry but I'm thinking since its double potted it could be too moist closer to the roots cuz the first couple inches are dry when I water.. i'll just leave it for some days and see what happens.. have you ever heard of double potting? If yes or no, could you foresee any problems with this ?
Thx a lot for the replys
I appreciate the help


bud bootlegger
I had been misting with b1 hormone in the water because its papery dry. The top bit of water gets dry but I'm thinking since its double potted it could be too moist closer to the roots cuz the first couple inches are dry when I water.. i'll just leave it for some days and see what happens.. have you ever heard of double potting? If yes or no, could you foresee any problems with this ?
Thx a lot for the replys
I appreciate the help
double potting, as in cutting of the bottom of one container and placing the whole thing on top of another container, therefore giving it more room for the roots to grow out of the bottom of the top and into the bottom??
if so, yes, i do this often and love it.. it's a tech that the infamous grower b.o.g, bushy old grower, prefers... i don't really see an issue with double potting though.. i'd just try and let it dry out a bit more and see if they perk up some..


Well-Known Member
Looks like moisture stress to me too. i have dealt with the same type of issue. Let the soil dry out completely and don't use anything other than water and only when the pot feels light when you pick it up. Here's mine after I moisture stressed, and attempts at getting rid of fungas gnats... Same plant before and after... now I am just starting to use nuts in extremely small quantities.. and I only water when pretty dry...

Stress Moisture.jpgRecouped.jpg
I'd like to switch to flowering as soon as possible. I didn't wsnt him to top it because I don't want it getting bigger.. plus I'm just trying it out so I don't xare much for yeilds right now.. so how long should I wait to go 12/12 just until it perks up ? Like I said yeild wise I don't care too too much I just don't want it getting much bigger because I'm not looking into getting a bigger light setup


Active Member
Not Over watering at all ! It's stress : the environment around this plant has changed so it's gonna take some time to recover ! Better not change proprieties of what she had been on ! Good Luck !


Well-Known Member
You probably won't see those existing leaves back to perfect. Your new growth however should be nice green tender shoots. Trust me it took some time and patience and wondering if they were going to pull through. I wouldn't put it into flower until she's recovered. You won't see a lot of growth spurt fast under the cfl's. I use them too. T5' for veg. Just let her relax and get better.
Thanks for the rep Racer! Need all the confidence I can muster.


Well-Known Member
You probably won't see those existing leaves back to perfect. Your new growth however should be nice green tender shoots. Trust me it took some time and patience and wondering if they were going to pull through. I wouldn't put it into flower until she's recovered. You won't see a lot of growth spurt fast under the cfl's. I use them too. T5' for veg. Just let her relax and get better.
Thanks for the rep Racer! Need all the confidence I can muster.


Well-Known Member
1. Nutes (nutrients) and fertilizer are the same thing.

2. Best pH for promix is 6.4-6.5......everything you add- plain water, water with nutes in it, etc.- should always be in that range.

3. Clawing means over watering.....let it dry out an extra day or so more then you have been.

4. Redish stems means Phosphorus (P) deficiency. Add more then you have been.
Its had no nutes or fert as far as I know.. just whatevers in the promix.. the nutes I do have are for flowering its like a 1-1.5-1 blend or close to it but I don't know when to start that.. gonna give it aday n a half of darkness before I go 12/12.. ive no idea when to start these flowering nute feeds.. I wish buddy was more help and I wish I started from seed.. because then I'd have known everything that's went into for sure...


bud bootlegger
Its had no nutes or fert as far as I know.. just whatevers in the promix.. the nutes I do have are for flowering its like a 1-1.5-1 blend or close to it but I don't know when to start that.. gonna give it aday n a half of darkness before I go 12/12.. ive no idea when to start these flowering nute feeds.. I wish buddy was more help and I wish I started from seed.. because then I'd have known everything that's went into for sure...
once it recovers from it's current state, i'd start feeding a light regimen of nutes.. only about 1/4 or so the recommended dosage.. i'd also look into getting some veg nutes as well..


Well-Known Member
The pro-mix fertilizer charge that's in there only lasts the first 2 weeks or so...then a regular fertilizing program should be started.

Make sure whatever fertilizer you are using is "complete".........which means it has everything in it a plant will need. Most hydroponic fertilizers are complete, although you may need to add some additional cal/mag.

I'd stick with a veg fertilizer until you turn your lights back to 12/12.........I start my flower nutes in the second week of flowering so they don't yellow up too quickly from lack of N.
I've got green planets massive bloom formation 1-1.5-2.8 - is this usable with the promix medium... it seems weird because other people talk about 20-20-20 and so forth which is MUCH higher than what I've got. Also do I start this before I switch to 12/12 the day I switch or a week after ? Sry I'm so new.. I've read and read for weeks about growing but everywhere is full of conflicting information


Well-Known Member
Yes, your fertilizer is fine after the plants start blooming........20-20-20, like Peters brand or Miracle Grow, is never a good choice for growing pot. 20-20-20 will toxify the soil quickly, and you'll need to flush regularly to avoid problems.


Promix only has enough nutrients for about a week or so. You need to get some veg nutrients ASAP if you want to grows something decent. By the way fertilizer is the same thing as nutrients.
Now will it be fine with just that blooming formula ? Its the only nute/fert I have. Will this be all I need during flowering ? Tight budget and a bitchy wife make this kinda harder for me
Didn't see that last post thx borgey.. I guess ill have to pick some up

I don't know where to give everyone +1's for all the help.. I appreciate you guys tho thx a lot
More new growth coming but buddy had a look at it and ripped a leaf off.. it was a fan leave I think. He said it wouldn't recover and yanked it before I could blink.. to help get light to the rest of it. Should he have done this ?