
what up riu! Im currently growing 5 plants 4 easyryders and 1 lowryder#2. my grow is growing great im at week 4 1/2 and ive noticed on 1 of my ez ryders fan leaves look like someone literarly took a bite off it. i havent noticed any mites this morning i waked and baked and went into my grow room to mist my plants and out of the corner of my eye i could have swore i seen a knat/fruitfly. i looked all around my plants and didnt see any. could these lil fuckers be my problem?? or something else? if so whats the best way or product 2 get rid of them? please and thank u in advance. peace


Well-Known Member
neem oil with water in foliar spray or chemicaly products such as bug me not
Neem oil doesnt really do alot after you have them. Its good at repelling them.

You need to look for something with an active ingredient of Bacilus Theringiensus ( i think thats how you spell it) or with SPINOSAD.

You need to attack the larvae in the medium not the flyers!!!! THe larvae do the damage to your plants by eating your nice suckulent root hairs.
