King's Operation Midnight Landing


Active Member
I've got my setup running once again. This is good news, for me at least. I can't say that I'll be updating this too much, but I'll try to give my fair share of bud pics as well as any information I may pick up along the way.

Strains that I've got to play with: Black Pearl, Ken's GDP, and Sweet Tooth.

Black pearl I've got two plants that have been growing outside, but now are inside. I planted them both from seed so I really don't know for sure what their sex is. It's supposed to be 30 Indica / 70 Sativa - it certainly grows like it - and is supposed to have an amazing high. This is good.

Ken's GDP , provided the guy I bought the clones from wasn't lying and it actually IS the real Ken's cut, then I'll be super stoked because it's...chronic, to put it lightly. It's the cut that club owners grow and don't sell because it's all they want to smoke.

Sweet Tooth - Got this from the same guy as the granddaddy, should be a solid indica with a good yield as well as relatively quick flowering time (from the info off different websites)

Regardless, I'm gonna find out what kind of dank I can grow here....

Meet the girls - Kens GDPs on the left sides, Sweet tooth is the four in the right row. and the Black Pearl is the huge one I'm teaching to LST in the back. There are a few cuttings of the B.Pearl and the Sweet tooth in the humid box in the center.

The Black Pearl getting tied down after being outside her whole life. Her sister is to her left, but I planted her way later so she's still small. These two are in soil.

I guess that's all I've got for now....rep will get rep'd back, provided you write down that it's you that's doing the repping



Active Member
Absolutely Homebrew. I've been using your recipe as a 'go to', and from there adjust accordingly to how the girls react.

How go the Dyna-gro experiments?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely Homebrew. I've been using your recipe as a 'go to', and from there adjust accordingly to how the girls react.

How go the Dyna-gro experiments?
DG has really been trouble free for me but what I wanted to comment on is that if you're using roughly the GH feeding schedule I gave you, I was getting excellent results by dialing that back even more in bloom. Something like 5mls micro and 12 bloom per gallon in RO water, shooting for somewhere around 800ppm or about 1.2 EC. Week four and after, I'd cut back to 4 micro and 13 bloom per gallon. Do what works best for you but I've found with DG and GH, less worked much better all around.


Active Member
DG has really been trouble free for me but what I wanted to comment on is that if you're using roughly the GH feeding schedule I gave you, I was getting excellent results by dialing that back even more in bloom. Something like 5mls micro and 12 bloom per gallon in RO water, shooting for somewhere around 800ppm or about 1.2 EC. Week four and after, I'd cut back to 4 micro and 13 bloom per gallon. Do what works best for you but I've found with DG and GH, less worked much better all around.
Thanks for the update - and actually that was the main modification I had made as well, actually all the way through veg and flower, I kicked the entirety of the recipe down a notch so it wouldn't be so high on the ppm meter. Every ppm/ec reading is different depending on what your tap water starts at, but the full recipe you gave me literally put my ec up to 2.8-3.2! I usually have it at 1.2-1.6, lower to flush. So that was a major modification, otherwise I hadn't really changed anything. Maybe if buds smelled a little nutey I'd dilute the mix, but really nothing too much more than that.
Thanks HB, it's true what 'they' say I suppose, less is more.


Active Member
Thanks Flip - welcome to the grow. You have anything growing inside or outside at the moment, man?


Active Member
For the record, this is my 420th post. Just throwing that out there, ha.

Everything is going well with the girls - I noted that roots are showing in my cuttings of the Black Pearl...always a good thing...and Ken's GDP and Sweet Tooth roots are beginning to pop out of the net pots - a beautiful thing.

I apologize for the low quality of the pics, but lets face it - there isn't too much deliciousness to see yet. I'll use an actual camera on the good bud shots - but for now the cell camera works.

Cleaned out the space a bit - this is going to be where I put the veg area. I'm debating whether to use wood to build it or PVC pipe - which would be a lot easier to transport/manage, but I have less experience with it - which could actually be incentive to do it...

Thats all for now, like I said there's not much to really look at. I'm basically just getting things together the way I want them.

Added some nutes and ph down to get it to 5.8. One granddaddy had a bit of yellowing on her new growth tips, I didn't add very much nutrient mix initially in order to not shock them, but it seems they're beginning to grow up and ask for more:)
From memory, I added just about 30 ml of FloraGro, a tasty dash of FloraPlus, as well as a dash of FloraBlend. I think that will tide them over until I change the entire res in a few days.

Thanks for reading - let me know what you think


Active Member
Wonder how this grow will turn out.... been debating with the type of lighting to go with. Sub'ed.


Active Member
Wonder how this grow will turn out.... been debating with the type of lighting to go with. Sub'ed.
Good to have you Panda. I've come to a couple pretty solid conclusions regarding lighting:

1) LEDs (at least MOST of them, because some people have amazing experiences with them) are wonderful for vegging, as well as supplemental growth in flowering. I used ONLY the LEDs for flowering and wasn't happy at all with bud development so I threw in a 600 watt HPS to help out. There's no question that the buds were getting frosty under only the LEDs, but they weren't packing on the weight. Like I said, they're great supplemental lighting with HPS - or are perfect for just vegging.
2) Technology and better light spectrum have/are making LEDs better and better - but the real deal is Plasma lighting. It has the same light spectrum as the sun (since....well, the sun IS pretty much plasma) and runs at a lower cost than LEDs while giving off more light than even a HPS.

See exhibit: A - an article in this Septembers issue of High Times

The article says a lot about lighting, but in this section it's noted that THC is produced highest when under the full light spectrum (which is like the sun, hence like plasma lights)

The thing about Plasma lights is that they aren't mass produced any where near the amount HPS or even LEDs are - therefore they are incredibly expensive (in comparison to any other light) I think I saw a 1400watter for $7,999 online somewhere. I do believe it's worth it though, they don't produce hardly any UV light and very little Infrared heat


Active Member
The girls are looking great right now. Any deficiencies that were possibly arising have been dealt with. I'll be throwing the majority of them under HPS to start flowering in about a week - keep it easy by flipping them on September 1st.

I'll be keeping probably 2 Kens GDP and 2 Sweet Tooth, and some Black Pearls under cfl's to veg and mother them out.
I'm building a makeshift veg area right outside of the area they're in. I have a 3x3 tray that I'll use for that.

The cuttings I took of the Black Pearl are no longer cuttings but are well rooted and are on their way to becoming teens :hump:

Thermometer read 71.9 earlier in the day, and only went up to 74 throughout the day. Perfect.

Until next time.


Active Member
I switched them girls over to 12/12 on August 29th because that was a new moon, and I figure it wouldn't hurt and might somehow magically make my buds better...hey the natives did that kinda stuff, granted they weren't growing indoor hydroponics, but that's beside the point.

The 1000 watter has replaced one of the LED lamps...I also gave them new water with a modified GH recipe that Homebrewer was kind enough to pass onto me about a year ago. I left the pH at 6.0, I like it 5.8, but I really can't say I've seen much of a difference in production between those numbers.

Since the last update, I've actually got my vegging area pretty much complete. I'll be filling the tray with hydroton clay pebbles, and eventually add more lights and probably a better frame, but for now I'm out of screws. bongsmilie

I have, since this picture, put a heat exhaust fan/ducting on the light. 1000 watts can get pretty hot.

This Black Pearl is a beast...I had her (I'm hoping it's a female) outside to grow, then moved her into here, have been lst'ing her main stock down as well as tying her branches down in order to fill in lost space in that back corner.

Bud shots will be starting in the next few weeks. Hang in there. That's what I've got for now...don't all comment at once either :)



Active Member
Quick update just to let anyone interested know that my huge black pearl plant is in fact a female. All good. She's showing sex and a lotta little hairs are popping out of the nodes, so that makes me a happy panda.

I picked up 50 liters of hydroton clay pebbles and filled up the 3x3 grow tray. Unfortunately I hadn't gotten the veg setup with the hydroton early enough and the clones I had taken of the black pearl had actually began to get a bit of mold on the medium. I thew out those clones and took new ones of the b.pearl, started fresh.

I actually took this pic last friday, the 2nd, so it's a few days dated, but it shows the female hairs forming on the black pearl. Good shit.

New addition to the veg tray with the clay pebbles. Baby clones that I just took are on the left.

The larger plants in the net pots are the Kens GDP's, the Sweet Tooth's aren't in pots, but I might change that tomorrow, though they seem to be doing alright just sitting the hydroton. The one that looks like its dying is a sweet tooth that failed to get watered somehow for almost a day I think. I've been nursing it back to health....note again that these pics were from friday.

Family portrait. Everyone is happy, though I did throw some more (about 40 ml each) of Flora Bloom and Gro cus the girls look a bit pale.



Active Member
Reservoir changes today. Big day for the flowering girls as I boosted up their nutrient mixture and put in fresh water. I have every plant in the veg tray in their own small planting pot, which is supporting them as they grow, as well as allowing room for root growth.

It's kinda hard to take pics of the girls now because the flowering lights are on during the night hours, and the place they live isn't where I live. I will get pics of them relatively soon. But right now they're still just sprouting a ton of hairs and not really forming calyxes yet, which makes sense - they've only been in flower for 11 days.

That's all I've got for now.


Well-Known Member
Hey King, I was just curious as to which strain you've found to be your favorite. You always seem to be growing stuff I've never tried, and many I've never heard of. I remember last year's Chocolope. I was thinking about it after my recent harvest of that Super Cali Haze. Seems I may not have a taste for pure Sativa's. There may be a strain out there that suits me perfectly. Just not sure that I'll find it in an auto.


Active Member
Hey King, I was just curious as to which strain you've found to be your favorite. You always seem to be growing stuff I've never tried, and many I've never heard of. I remember last year's Chocolope. I was thinking about it after my recent harvest of that Super Cali Haze. Seems I may not have a taste for pure Sativa's. There may be a strain out there that suits me perfectly. Just not sure that I'll find it in an auto.
That's a good question Pabs.
There is certainly something to be said about rare strains that one doesn't come across very often, if at all. But the strains that you do see a lot of are typically that way for a reason - they're some of the best. That's why I am going with the Ken's GDP this round because I really enjoy GDP - that might answer your question as to which is probably my favorite strain to smoke - however I can't simply say that that is the best stain, hands down. It's not. There are so many others out there that are just as good if not better than GDP.
I used to prefer Sativa over Indica, that high energetic feel rather than the narcotic stone. However since my tolerance has increased over the years as well as understanding and preference, I feel the indica stone to be most fulfilling. The thing with sativas is that they need to be top quality to be worth it. With the tolerance I have I would say that in comparison to a solid 100% indica, vs a 100% sativa, I would have to toke a lot more of the sativa to get to the right place than I would the Indica.
This is my opinion, maybe I just haven't had a good enough quality sativa, maybe I'm just not remembering my sativas the right way.

This isn't to say that the chocolope I had wasn't delicious or not good medicine. It certainly was. In fact I think the chocolope I grew was one of the better sativas, but the morning daze I grew was a typical sativa that I could toke a helluva lot of and not get as stoned as I would from a few bowls of the GDP.
That GDP from my last journal was some super stank dank, and I'm assuming thats how my Kens GDP is going to be this round
Cheers man