King of Noobs Outdoor


Decided to make a thread on my grow journey this summer. Started this a about a month ago cause I had a bunch of seeds in some weed I got and figured give it a shot. Growing outside guerilla style about 200 yards in the woods from my house, safe place.

When I started I was in doubt that any of this would work. Because I wasn't sure what I was doing and the seeds didn't look that great of shape I didn't want to put any money into it. Altho now I'm wishing I at least bought some decent potting soil. So I'm at the point where I'm not looking to get a great yield or anything. Doing this for a intro to growing and if I get an 1/8 and a bunch of males out of the whole thing it would still be cool.

Started with 15 seeds. 10 I germinated in the paper towel method and five in water. The paper towel worked a ton better. So now I have 8 plants. I planted them in the cups using a few types of soil to see which would work best. Most of them I just planted in soil from a garden of a friends. Then I found some potting soil and did some 50/50 and planted one in 100% potting soil. That plant is way bigger than the rest and is look pretty good. So potting soil seems to be important. Some of the plants look pretty decent. Others kinda crappy...but I'll see what happens.

I'm on the 4th week (since planting the germinated seeds) and transplanted to outside about 5 days ago. Used scotts garden soil and mixed that 50/50 with the dirt I was planting in.

Few questions/problems so far:

1) I'm starting to see some holes in the leaves (especially my biggest plant #1). I did buy a spray for getting rid of bugs on plants but not sure if its working or the best one. Anyone recommend something?

2) I was going to start giving them nutrients. Went to Home Depot and they didn't seem to have the best selection with something high in N. Ended up getting 'Vigoro All Purpose Plant Food' 24-8-16. Will this work? It says feeding for every 14 to 28 days. Most things I read you feed at least once a week.

3) If leaves are yellow (#5) or get droopy (#4)...what does that mean?

Here are pics. Used my phone. Was raining. I'll get some better ones later.


grow space

Well-Known Member
nice little grow you have there bro.for bugs, use some organic bugs nutes go, il waited 4 a while, let the plant get little bigger.its good to wait 4 a seedling stage 3-4 weeks before using any ferts.look 4 high N levels-good 4 veggetative growth.
if leaves get droopy it means your over or underwatering, but it is normal when your lower leaves at start go a little yellow-just give them some N.
hope it helps.

keep up the good work man....