I took 3 last night, I NEVER smoke or even take it, it was just new years and I wanted to feel good. The guy said they were made from some of his purple cheese and bubblelicious buds.
I took 1 at like 4 pm, didnt really get too high off of it, so I took 2 more, and wow, I was baked, I was mildly halluncinating when I closed my eyes, the room was spinning, when I woke up this morning I was still high, and as I type this at 11pm I still feel a little weird in my front cerebral area.
I've taken Vitamin C and Vitamin B because I have heard they dull the effects of THC, and I have been drinking plenty of water. Anyone know when this feeling will go away? Did I possibly fry my brain from the large amounts of THC?
I took 1 at like 4 pm, didnt really get too high off of it, so I took 2 more, and wow, I was baked, I was mildly halluncinating when I closed my eyes, the room was spinning, when I woke up this morning I was still high, and as I type this at 11pm I still feel a little weird in my front cerebral area.
I've taken Vitamin C and Vitamin B because I have heard they dull the effects of THC, and I have been drinking plenty of water. Anyone know when this feeling will go away? Did I possibly fry my brain from the large amounts of THC?