Kessil H350 LED


Hey RIU, it's my first time growing with LEDs and they only thing I could get my hands on was the Kessil H350 (Magenta). Now, anyone that has experience with these, can you please tell me how many plants I'd be able to veg with ONE unit and what should the distance be between the light and the canopy.


when i was looking into led those interested me a lot. from what i've read a 2x2 footprint max.

I've read that also but will it be strong enough to veg 3 plants, which I have currently have going on for about 2 weeks. I have it about 15in away from the plants, but they seem small for 2 weeks to me. They're about 3in tall and about 2in in diameter. The grow space is 1.7x2, which is my Veg Room. Should I add more lights or will I be fine?


Well-Known Member
those kessil's are mostly made to be supplement lights you should only use it on 1 plant if you're using it as the primary light source.


those kessil's are mostly made to be supplement lights you should only use it on 1 plant if you're using it as the primary light source.

So will it be enough if I were to use it for ONE mother plant? because I was planning to take 2 plants out after I see which ones the strongest after getting cuttings.


Well-Known Member
how big are you planning to get your mother plant? most mothers are at least big enough for a 2x2 area I would think.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would recommend using it for 1 mother plant and you should be fine. I wouldn't stretch the lights core area to cover 2 mothers.