Kentucky's Crazy Weed Technique


Active Member
Ok.... Just recently had a talk with a friend of mine from up in Kentucky and he enlightened me to somthing he's seen up in the foothills.

Aparently those old goats who grow outdoors at some point strip the top 2/3rd's of the plant im talking everything. Just imagine grabbing the stem and pulling up on it taking off all the branches & leafs and shit and just being left with the stem and 1/3 of the plant still untouched. Now take that stem and bend it over and stick it into the ground and plant it. Now you should have this "U" shaped plant. One end growing out of the ground a little bush and then the top of the plant bending down and going right back into the ground...kinna weird eh

Im doing more research why they do this but he says they do it alot and all he sees are theis crops like this at certain times..

If any one can help that would be awsome, mabey there are some benifits for this or mabey those guys up in the hills have been sippin on too much Moonshine

Help plz

Ill keep ya posted :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
the only thing I could see it helping is that it would mask the plant...... meaning it wouldn't look like a pot plant, and have less chance of being seen from the air.


Active Member
Orecal thats a damn good idea
And as for the re rooting of the plant he "Said" that it Re-Roots and you start to get this "rolling" effect from the crop. I myself dont know much about it....I thought I could bring up the topic because ive never heard of this technique on the boards here.

Im still researching......


Well-Known Member
Sounds like forcing a type of stolon growth (think spider plants). Sounds like a pretty good idea to me.


Active Member

Essentually it is somthing like this but with a M.Jane Plant

Thanks a million Seamaiden, your the best :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i bet you put some clone gel or root grow on the part you put in the ground it would work awsome!


Well-Known Member
Me, too! :D

And you're welcome, Namdee, thanks. 8)

Edited to add: I wanna say that, especially when it comes to stuff like gardening, I've learned to listen to the old timers. They really know their shit!

Like old Louey, in town. He served on Iwo Jima, ground crew at the air strip during the war. He's Italian, his folks came from the old country. And he learned how to find mushrooms when he was young. He got better than his Pappa! He knows exactly where to find the very best (eating) mushrooms, and he's better than anyone in the county. Problem is, he can't get out there in the woods and forests anymore, but I love talking to him. He's a real curmudgeon, but he knows how to grow all KINDS of stuff! Chickens (used to supply fighting cocks for folks from here to Modesto to Hollister all the way up to Redding and Chico), olives, tomatoes, herbs, EGGPLANTS. Anything that can grow here Louey can grow. And he doesn't spend money on fancy fertilizers and testers and all that, he doesn't need them. He grows the way my grandmother cooks rice, by feel, by instinct.

So, when these old timers tell you something about gardening, listen to them. Very often they're right.
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Well-Known Member
Sure'd like to see a pic . . . this sounds damn crazy, but hey. I spent some time in Ky and know for certain that a LOT of commercial pot IS produced in the area, or was back in the late 70's. Don't see why that would change, other than law issues.
Introduced to $600 a gram China White there, too. Match-hit very similar to injection rush. That was a shit-load if money back then. Free to me. Had a "friend" who was in the Army with several local dudes . . . who formed their own syndicate, mostly running weed out of Columbia. Young dudes with speed boats. I wonder what became of them.

Anyway, I'd LOVE to see a pic.


Active Member
I agree its all about learning from the ones before us.

I dont think I could have got a better reply for this thread, thanks.
As for pics of the whole setup actually working...well see what we can do.
Clone Soulution on the thing would probably be even better,wouldnt hurt.

Just an Idea to shoot out there next time you have a spare plant...
Try it out :mrgreen:

Smoke a :joint: for old timers.


Well-Known Member
I agree its all about learning from the ones before us.

I dont think I could have got a better reply for this thread, thanks.
As for pics of the whole setup actually working...well see what we can do.
Clone Soulution on the thing would probably be even better,wouldnt hurt.

Just an Idea to shoot out there next time you have a spare plant...
Try it out :mrgreen:

Smoke a :joint: for old timers.
Hey, raise a beer for old timers, too. :) I have a shitload of bagseeds and a couple of places where I could try it out next year. For now I'm keeping my garden in pots on the deck. BUT..! Why not just place the node on a spot in a pot? It would work just the same! I'd have to eventually cut it away, more than likely, but why the hell NOT?

You've just given me an idea to try out with some of my LST group. :D


Active Member
Im glad that I could shoot an idea out there for you guys to try :mrgreen:
Might suggest this for the FAQ if some one gets a plant up and running

Idea: Make the plant jump from pot to pot and flush each pot differently you might just get several flavors from a single plant. + it would be a killer looking setup

Happy Growing :peace:


Well-Known Member
Yep herb is still the #1 cash crop in Kentucky. They may be hillbilly's but sure know how to grow some damn good weed!


Well-Known Member
I am just afraid all the stripping will cause the plant to die...
Not if you leave enough vegetation for it to repair itself. That, along with the help of some rooting hormone and I'd bet it could work just fine. What I can't wrap my head around is treating each section of a single plant differently and actually getting different results. It seems to me that whatever happens to the mother will happen to them all.


Active Member
Well damn!!! That sounds like a great idea!! Weird but worth trying!! Im new to this anyway so i am down for anything!! Its amazing how mother mary unites people and that damn brother gov wants to make her wrong!!! DAMN U Brother gov!!! lol


Active Member
Your probably right Maiden...getting a little crazy trying to pull
several diffferent flavors from a single plant.

Im so stoaked about this setup :mrgreen: