Kentucky Outdoor

Draco Malfoy

New Member
Kentucky Outdoor

Kentucky is the best place in the united states to grow marijuana outdoors, except for the fact that its still illegal.

With authorities closing in to seize 2,400 marijuana plants on John Robert Boone's farm two years ago....

produces more marijuana than any state except California"

" last year the state seized 557,628 marijuana plants worth an estimated $1.billion."

"booby traps they might face: Pipe bombs with trip wires, fishing hooks strung face-high across trails, sharpened bamboo sticks, ankle-crushing bear traps; and boards pounded through with three-inch nails that are laid on the ground and covered with leaves."

"Daniel Boone National Forest, is a pot-grower's paradise — its perfect soil and climate give it a key place in America's "Marijuana Belt."

"Department of Agriculture for 2005 show state receipts for tobacco were $342 million and corn was $336 million, compared with close to $1 billion of pot eradicated last year"

"The 68 counties in Eastern Kentucky, eastern Tennessee and western West Virginia that make up the area have less than 1% of the country's population, according to Census and National Drug Intelligence Center data, but HITDA figures indicate the region contained roughly 10% of the marijuana eradicated nationwide in 2006."

"drug agents destroyed more than a half-million plants last year in Kentucky alone and netted 512 arrests. So far this year, the anti-drug effort has snagged 365,000 plants from more than 3,000 plots in Kentucky, Rapier says."

NBC reports: Investigators had no trouble finding 150 marijuana plants along the state border. The suspected growers left maps in their car that led authorities to the illegal plants. Two Kentucky men were arrested Monday after $50,000 to $60,000 worth of marijuana was found growing along the Tennessee-Kentucky state line. "We have found 150 plants so far, and we expect more," said Weakley County sheriff's investigator Marty Plunk. A map marked with large X's led investigators to parts of Weakley County and through Palmersville, Henry County and Graves County, Ky. As many as 120 plants were found in one site in a Weakley County cornfield, Plunk said.

"Police say they found 519 marijuana plants in all. Kentucky State Police and the Spencer County Sheriff's Department worked together for the bust"