Keeping your Medicine Fresh.


Well-Known Member
Quick post.

I have a few different styles of jars for my medicine.

A few are really nice, and have the removable metal insert/ring that fits in the lid and creates a very good seal. Those are awesome, and I love those jars.

I also have a few that do not have the insert rings, they are just screw on metal tops, which also seem to be working well, with not noticeable air leaking in or out.

The third type of jar I have has a rubber seal and the top is a fold-able via metal supports, and latches closed in the front. These jars are great, but, after checking on my medicine prior to curing for a month, I had left both of the jars rubber seals slightly out of alignment, therefore allowing air to get in an out and slightly drying out the medicine that was in the jars.

I immediately fixed this, and it was a simple thing to do, just repositioned the rubber seals to be fit with the mouth of the jar.

My flowers stopped drying out, and returned to a very nice condition.

Just thought I'd share this experience, and hopefully save someones medicine from potentially drying out from an air leak into or out from a jar that it is curing and or being stored in.

Good post, I've tried several jars/containers over the years, my best experience has been with any sort of jar that has a screw-on lid. I use a couple of the jars you mention (rubber seal on the lid) to keep whatever I expect to use short-term, whether for tea, smoking etc. but I've had the same issue and they don't seem to completely seal after a while, or it's easy to do what you described. For longer term storage, the one's I'm using right now have a screw-on lid, the inside of the lid has a soft/pliable plastic insert that creates a great seal. I opened one of these jars about a month ago to make some oil with the bud, it had been sealed 9 months ago, the bud was still as fresh as when I had put it in!

If it ever dries out for whatever reason, I'll throw a small/cut piece of potato in the jar, the goal in this case is to slightly moisten them, if you leave the potato in for a long time, it will end up being too wet, even mould on you. The trick is to only put it in for 8-12 hours, then remove it. Works well and doesn't mess with the taste or smell of the bud. They claim that potency decreases with time but I've smoked 18 month old bud that was kept fresh in a properly sealed jar and found little if any difference than when it was new/fresh.
Good post, I've tried several jars/containers over the years, my best experience has been with any sort of jar that has a screw-on lid. I use a couple of the jars you mention (rubber seal on the lid) to keep whatever I expect to use short-term, whether for tea, smoking etc. but I've had the same issue and they don't seem to completely seal after a while, or it's easy to do what you described. For longer term storage, the one's I'm using right now have a screw-on lid, the inside of the lid has a soft/pliable plastic insert that creates a great seal. I opened one of these jars about a month ago to make some oil with the bud, it had been sealed 9 months ago, the bud was still as fresh as when I had put it in!

If it ever dries out for whatever reason, I'll throw a small/cut piece of potato in the jar, the goal in this case is to slightly moisten them, if you leave the potato in for a long time, it will end up being too wet, even mould on you. The trick is to only put it in for 8-12 hours, then remove it. Works well and doesn't mess with the taste or smell of the bud. They claim that potency decreases with time but I've smoked 18 month old bud that was kept fresh in a properly sealed jar and found little if any difference than when it was new/fresh.
I gotcha, I do the same thing, with the exception that I prefer to use just a square 3cm size piece of either an orange peel or a lemon peel. It's been a long time since I've had to do that, but I think it's a better re-hydrater than the potato, for the sole reason that citrus peels almost NEVER mold on their own due to it's acidity/natural anti-mold inhibitors. Either way they both work, but I prefer the citrusy smell.
I think the number one way to re-hydrate herb is to leave the jars open on a humid day, but obviously you need a humid day for that
The citrus would provide some mould protection, sounds like a good option. The best way like you said is to avoid drying too much, I tend to dry on the side of caution and cure them longer. But sometimes sh-t happens :(
If your buds ever dry out too much, try putting them with medicine that isn't. That always brings life back into medicine I've had that has dried out too much.
I also found that quality ball jars work great, not the rip offs-the only mod I make is that I spray paint the larger ones I use for long term storage to help block light and keep about an once of medicine in a clear one to smoke within a month. A buddy of mine paints his with that chalk board paint so he can label them with dates/names and any other info about the medicine-when he's curing he uses chalk to note when/how long they were burped for.
I also found that quality ball jars work great, not the rip offs-the only mod I make is that I spray paint the larger ones I use for long term storage to help block light and keep about an once of medicine in a clear one to smoke within a month. A buddy of mine paints his with that chalk board paint so he can label them with dates/names and any other info about the medicine-when he's curing he uses chalk to note when/how long they were burped for.
is smoking 3 ounces a month bad for me?
I go to walmart an buy the quart jars that come in like a dozen for around 6-8 bux they have the metal circle that has the seal and screw on. the ones for canning and jelly an shit