Keep Flushing But Still Getting Nute Burn!


About a month ago, I fed my two plants about 1tsp/gal of Alaskan Fish Fertilizer 5-1-1. Over the next few days, I realized that I must have over fed them and that they should be flushed. Now for the last three weeks or so, I have been just flushing without nutrients and watering with a TINY bit of nutrients (literally less than a 1/4tsp a gallon of vitamin b1 1-1-1) yet still am having signs of nute burn.

Here's some info:
Plants: Docs OG, LSD
Light Schedule: 18/6 (lights on from 6PM to 12 noon the next day)
Temps: 70-82F
Humidity: 40-60%RH
Soil: 2 parts Fox Farms Happy Frog to 1 part perlite (with a little bit of dolomite lime added)
Water pH: 6.5-6.8, runoff is always 6.5-6.8 as well
TDS: from the brita filter, ~250 ppm

First weeks of nute burn:


More recently:


Also, please check out my grow log for more information/pictures! Thanks!


Active Member
You sure that's nute burn? I really doubt your soil is still affected from something you put in a month ago. The latest pics look more like a deficiency.

Also, the old leaves are never going to recover. You should be looking at the new growth to make sure there are no further signs of the problem.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm with stan. Currently Nitrogen deficient for sure. Probably due to all the flushing. First pics look like maybe magnesium calcium problem. Keep in mind, I'm still only on my first grow, but I made a lot of mistakes, and am learning quickly. lol!

Maybe consider transplanting?