BEAN DOPE 7 dust,,,,has worked good for me throw it all over the bushes and on the ground around your plants but do not put it on them,DO that just befor a big rain and then it cant be sean but the deer will still smell it...I even put it on some plants one year befor it started to bud and let a heavy rain that night wash it has worked good for me..piss the deer will get ust to that in two weeks or less same way with tyeing up a live dog in the patch.I never have had deer problems and they are 100s of deer where I grow.GROUNDHOGS WILL cut it and drag it off so just find there den and set a leg hold trap and kill there ass.Tarpens will eat pot here when it is small moore then deer here dos not work and every animal even the deer here will eat the line will not turn deer they cant see it and will just walk through it every time even make bean dope 7 dust now in liquid and you can spray it on every dam thing that's the onley thing that works for me is 7 dust.bean