Kannabia Gnomo Auto - Day 90 - 65% Clear, 25% Cloudy, 10% Amber Trichomes

Hi guys,

single gnome auto plant in day 90, under a 250w HPS solely, in GH Aeroflo aeroponics, and AN full program.

supposed to finish in 65 days, but that was when all what she had was a lot of white pistils!

started to swell up about day 70, and day 80 have 80% of pistils turned orange/brown. ( got 10% white pistils now )

she got nute burned and had deficiencies couple of times, but nothing major that would justify the almost 1 month delay!

she has about 20 colas, from the size of the colas and experience, i'd say if the buds are not too fluffy, or too hard, it'd be around 130 grams dry.

there are almost no fan leaves left, but the few small remaining ones are still green, but from the general looks of the plant, i'd say she's ready to harvest.

POBLEM IS, under the scope there are about:
40% clear trichomes without fully-formed heads
20% clear with heads
25% cloudy
10% amber

my ideal would be all cloudy, now what do you suggest?


Well-Known Member
your feed was too strong for the plant

so it genetics told it to do this since had the power...........the only way to finish it is to flush out your system and re work the feed to more of a finishing one this should move it along and finish making the tricromes milky

it is how i finished my monster plant


Well-Known Member
i used a blend of chi ching with half the normal feed .........and added in a few stackers to push it (over drive/ koolbloom/bud candy ) and 2 weeks of that the clear heads went from clear to milky.......the leaves look like wax paper so much resins
but shouldn't she be expressing nute burns if the feeding was too strong?!

i use the lucas formula ( GHE Micro: 16ml / 10L , GHE Bloom: 32ml / 10 L ) + pretty much all of AN bloom enhancers ( big bud, bud candy, over drive, rhino skin, b-52, nirvana, sensizym, …)

the problem is, i have vegetating plants in the same system, so can't really back off on the feeding schedule.

i'm planning to flush it for like 48 hours with a flush solution like Canna Flush when she's just ready.


Well-Known Member
i was feeding mine the rdwc plan in one 4 gallon bucket once the plant is in and grow it gets use to it

my plant i ran the ppm up in the 5000 when i added the fresh stuff in the water 3 days later it would read in the low 2000/2200.......as for my leaves they show some burn but that is becuase i been increase the dose until i see it then i back it off 10% from then and hold

u need to adjust the feed of the plant to a finishing
cha ching is something like 9/50/10 (ending) while the beastie bloom is 0/50/30(midlife)

this tells the plant here use this finish those u are coming out soon ............feeding it u are controlling the reactions

the reactions of the plant has happend the tricomres are out but they are not getting the feed they need to finish it alter the feed make it stronger u see a sign of burn then reduce it hold give it 5 days then look at areas u knew the tricromes were there but nothing formed

if i am wrong i will let u shot me with a shotgun bean bag round from 20 feet away (hurts like hell but will not break a rib at that range any closer and something might break and perice something inside) i will have a cup and a helmet with facemace calling that now

my plant i ran the ppm up in the 5000 when i added the fresh stuff in the water 3 days later it would read in the low 2000/2200
interesting! i'm not sure if my meter needs a calibration, but it reads the solution i mix about 2800 PPM; my plants (3 vegging and 1 flowering) drink about 6L / day and the ppm would rise about 300 a day...
LOL :))
but before i shoot you, have u read my last post here? u mean i should raise the ppm's even higher than 3000?!

btw thanks for the quick replies man!


Well-Known Member
what stackers are u using

bud candy stuff like that what did your kit come with

np i sawl i wrote ........sorry bong hit and had to do little work myself

anything that is not grow bloom or micro is a stacker
like big bloom would be a stacker
so would voodo juice big bud over drive koolbloom vegan booster

u need to think like a chemist your plant is in this stage of life u know from grow plans they like this at that time so i should increase this part and this part of the plan i am doing

by the way big bloom from fox farms is great it liqud worm and bat poop the roots love it (a half of cup a week i used)

u will know when u got it right becuase the plant will suck up so much water and food the ph will drop like mad all the time u will check 5 6 times aday ....i lvl mine to 6.1 and with in 5 hours it some where in the 5.4 range and i am adding half a gallon of water

every now and then i remix up the stackers into a batch of water and add that in about middle of the week and 1 day before i change it out (change my water once a week )

i would take pics but it is in the last 11 hours of dark before i try a multi stage harvest.......if u look later on here i will have them post some time around 6 8 pm ................yours looks great mine is a monster that i had to remove the main cola it was so big light damage on some of the buds (going to sell them as white weed for those racist stoners )
As Base Nutrient i use:

GHE Flora Micro: 16ml/10L
GHE Flora Bloom: 32ml/10L

as Additives or Stackers:
(2ml/L each)
-Voodoo Juice
-Big Bud
-Bud Candy
-Rhino Skin
+ some Cal/Mag
well, for a about a week now, i've been giving them 10 liters Nutrient solutions every 2 days, and they suck it all up in those 2 days

although the ph is always stable at 5.9, i get a 300ppm raise each day which i fully ignore and do nothing about :D


Well-Known Member
u should be on
over drive
bud candy

only for the stackers

increase the micro and bloom by say 3 mls and add in 7 mls of grow ( 4 gallon system correct)


Well-Known Member
if the ppm raises every day and the ph is the same then your plant is not using up what u offer the sensizym might help to add some back in but u should always see a drop .....even just account for some settling in the system

that shows the roots are intaking the goodies u are offing them

if this is the case flush your system give nothing but plain water for 2 days and then add in the feed when u lvl out the water with the new config u run
yeah man thats exactly what i'm doing now :)

but do you think it is normal for her to show 10% amber, when still 35% of trichomes are not fully developed?! and do you think if i let her go longer, would the immature trichomes mature first, or would the rest of the trichomes go amber faster? i'm not sure if i'm explaining it clearly...
lets put it this way:
after time, how would the ratio of cloudy vs. amber be? (considering their actual percentage mentioned above)

and are they still gonna put any more weights, or it's just a matter of trichomes now?


Well-Known Member
if u are a chemist then u know

the reduction of the water and the chemical interaction with the roots should change the ph if the water is just being sucked in and nothing is getting used then the ph would be stable

when i add fresh feed the system is ok for ph for 2 days after that i must keep phing every time i add water 6 to 8 mls of ph up every time


Well-Known Member
i am not 100% sure

the fact u have bud candy is a very good thing ...................when i was doing my work i kept hearing from organic growers that bud candy acts as a preservtive in the flower so it leaves a funny taste to it ( i have not noticed nor has anyone said something to me )

my exps running does show that the milky period is much long with it then with out it .....given this i would increase the amount of bud candy u offer and by the time most of the glands have something good on them u will be a 50 50 spilt of milky and amber

couch locking with a good high before ............ppl should be happy (worst possible case u can always make canna butter or bho out of it )
the reduction of the water and the chemical interaction with the roots should change the ph
actually there are a lot of factors that could affect the ph of a solution in a way or other.

if the water is just being sucked in and nothing is getting used then the ph would be stable
that's not true, because then the concentration of other ions in the remaining water would rise, causing the ph to change accordingly

when i add fresh water the system is ok for ph for 2 days after that i must keep phing every time i add water 6 to 8 mls of ph up every time
i have never had to use my ph up throughout this grow, my ph is always stable, or otherwise going UP!