Justiceman's grow: The quest for Resin


Active Member

Hey guys I have recently begun my second grow(first journal) so here is the low down on equipment.

Medium:Roots Organics potting soil
Space: 4x4x7 Grow lab tent with 3 x 3 tray!
Ventilation: 6 inch active air inline and 6 inch booster fan(to cool the lamp) plus 2 6 inch clip fans for inside air movement.
Light: 400w Eye Hortilux Super HPS with Lumatek(going to purchase 600w for flowering)
Nutrients: General Organics
Pot size: White 2.5 gallon(10l)
Strains: 3 Grandaddy purple and 3 Green Cush(crack)

So I took the Roots organics potting soil, and I inoculated it with Great White killer roots mycorrhizae and bacteria. Interestingly enough the "potting soil" is based mostly off of Coco coir, but it has some peat in it as well. I am aiming to Ph my nutrients at around 6.1-6.3 because I believe the coco requires a slighter lower ph but since it's not completely coco i probably wont drop it to 5.8. So far the girls are staying perked up but it hasn't been long so we shall see. They were all healthy lush green when I obtained them so things are going stress free so far. Yes I am currently vegging with a Super HPS but it has some added blue. To be honest I really wanted to try out a 6.4k Sun pulse but the shop was out of stock of the 400w. I considered buying the Hortilux blue, but I don't really want to pay the same price for something that gives of 15,000 less lumens. So I'm vegging this run with the hps but next run I will obtain the 6.4 Sun pulse.

As of right now my temps when the light is on variate between 66 and 70 degrees plus my humidity is around 39%. I am a little concerned that it might be to cold for "day time" what do you guys think? Possible ways to fix this is turn off the 6 inch booster fan that air cools my light. I have tried it and then my temps go up to 75-80(witch I have heard is optimal).

I am completely open to suggestions and comments. Thanks for looking!



Well-Known Member
looks nice. love that green cush. got some at coffeeshop bluesky last time i was up in oakland. i wish i had a cut.

ill enjoy watching you grow it.


Active Member
Hey guys I cracked open my General Organics, and for some reason they smell sour. They do not give off that earthy smell generally associated with Organics. They give of a noxious smell that literally burns my nostrils. I don't feel comfortable using it. Luckily I got it as a free sample line up so I didn't pay anything for it. So now I have decided to instead use the whole Roots Organics line up. Since It hasn't been long I have just been letting my girls feed on the food already packed into the soil. I happened to have a sample of roots trinity from the garden expo and have used that in order to feed my soil microbes.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Beautiful, i also use the Roots organic Soilless Mix, although only 1/3, the other 1/3 is Canna CoCo and 1/3 Hydrocorals... I loooove Coco though.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Have fun with the Full Roots organic line-up ;) i've used it and it is like Sludge... Very hard to work with but you can tell it is reallllllly good and the plants love it.


Active Member
Have fun with the Full Roots organic line-up ;) i've used it and it is like Sludge... Very hard to work with but you can tell it is reallllllly good and the plants love it.
My buddy bought their hpk a while back and it is indeed sludge like. I think its because its so raw. I'm really excited to use their nutes. I have heard good things about them. From what I understand I just have to brew there nutes in a tea like form to activate the microbes in the guano. I wonder if it's harder to burn them with Roots Organics since its Organic.

Hey guy's so it hasn't been long but I'd like to show you the new growth that is starting to come in. I have a feeling they will start going crazy with growth very soon. The only thing I have given them so far is mycorrhizae, Roots Trinity, and some cal mag. Check em out and let me know what you think so far. I am considering doing a foliar spray with either extreme serene or some cold processed sea kelp(same thing) except the extreme serene is 0-2-2 where as the cold processed sea kelp I have is .01-0-0. I think I will go with the latter since extreme serene has no nitrogen.

Question: Does anyone know whether I need to supplement my R/O water with cal mag? I know that usually one does this, but the Roots Soil contains Green sand, Glacial rock dust, and oyster shell flour. Those should supply the trace minerals, but would R/O water flush them away? Or are the ingredients sufficient enough so that I can just add pure R/O and not worry about it? If i do need to add Cal mag what should I add to keep it completely organic instead of using Cal mag plus. Crushed up dolomite or green sand in my Roots guano teas?




Green Cush

Green Cush

Green Cush(this one looks like it has a slight phosphorus deficiency on that left leaf. I am pretty sure their is phosphorus in the soil because it contains rock phosphate, but I have heard it is easily locked out. I am hoping that the microbes continue there eternal battle for domination and release some locked up P in the process. I don't beleive it to be a big problem though because the new growth looks perfectly fine. Might have just been a type of transplant shock.


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
It is harder to burn your plants with organics because it isn't composed of chelates and salts which can build up and become toxic. They look nice though, not too bad of a P deficiency, no inter-veinal necrosis or chlorosis, easy correction. fun fun! check my journal, i'm just a litttttle bit further a long then you, some plants look very similar, such as my Toejam's and my Big Bud's

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
By the way, I am a HUGE advocate of sunpulse bulbs, alll the way through the cycle. I have a 4k, and will soon have my 3k for flowering, and for veg I would do the 4k and 6.4k, too bad I dont veg ;)


Active Member
By the way, I am a HUGE advocate of sunpulse bulbs, alll the way through the cycle. I have a 4k, and will soon have my 3k for flowering, and for veg I would do the 4k and 6.4k, too bad I dont veg ;)
Sun Pulse greatly interests me. I am considering trying out a 3k 400w instead of getting a 600w hps for this run, but I am not quite sure. Even if i don't do it now I will definitely try out a full sun pulse grow at one point. I just have to or I wouldn't be satisfied.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
How can you argue with full spectrum light? I've spoken with the creator of the bulbs, Gerald Garrison, and he is a freaaking genius, he also is the creator of the first Electronic Ballast, so it makes sense that he is the only producer of bulbs which are rated to work on them. He refuses to give out Lumen information and CRI (color render index) Chart, which seems weird but in his explanation to me, it made a lot of sense, Lumens are BS and so is the CRI Chart on all other bulb companies advertisements they are purely for the human eye and have nothing to do with the radiant energy plants use as food, and I truly believe that. I hate HPS lamps!


Active Member
Your resolve is inspiring sir. I have done some research on Sun pulse and have had a few emails with Dan. As you say there argument is extremely valid. Like how lumens are related to the human eye. The whole Idea of recreating the sun's spectrum is so interesting to me because my only aim from day one was to attempt to recreate the synergy of the sun and earth.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Definitely, hows everything come in the past few days? Everything looks awesome in the last few pics, still keepin it clean I'm sure?


Active Member
Definitely, hows everything come in the past few days? Everything looks awesome in the last few pics, still keepin it clean I'm sure?
Oh they are doing just fine. They have showed more growth even since yesterday! Can't wait to see them really come up(witch will happen quite soon) I can't get a pic right now because the lights are still off. Yup I am still keeping everything nice and clean.

I am Just trying to get a few kinks worked out specifically pertaining to this:
justiceman said:
Question: Does anyone know whether I need to supplement my R/O water with cal mag? I know that usually one does this, but the Roots Soil contains Green sand, Glacial rock dust, and oyster shell flour. Those should supply the trace minerals, but would R/O water flush them away? Or are the ingredients sufficient enough so that I can just add pure R/O and not worry about it? If i do need to add Cal mag what should I add to keep it completely organic instead of using Cal mag plus. Crushed up dolomite or green sand in my Roots guano teas?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by justiceman
Question: Does anyone know whether I need to supplement my R/O water with cal mag? I know that usually one does this, but the Roots Soil contains Green sand, Glacial rock dust, and oyster shell flour. Those should supply the trace minerals, but would R/O water flush them away? Or are the ingredients sufficient enough so that I can just add pure R/O and not worry about it? If i do need to add Cal mag what should I add to keep it completely organic instead of using Cal mag plus. Crushed up dolomite or green sand in my Roots guano teas?

Look up Organicare's Calplex and Huvega supplements they are organic based Calcium and Magnesium Nutes... And yes, after RO, you know you're at 0 ppm, and want to be giving everything you can to your plants..


Active Member
Thanks shrub, so far my cal mag choices are, botanicare calplex and huvega, molasses, GO cal mag, and possibly powdered dolomite.

Hey guys I know its only been two days since my last picture post but I really want to show you how far they've come in just 2 days!:-D

I will soon start to administer the Roots Nutes.


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
helll yea! They are prayin to that light real hard, they look really happy.

One thing about GO nutrients, my close friend used them and said they were unacceptable.
And I would believe him because I hate General Hydroponics, and if they came out with
an organic line you know its the cheapest and worst organics out there... If you don't want
to worry about it, Adding some dolomite to the soil would be great... And then I would just add Humic
and Fulvic acids to aid in the soil nutrient uptake.. humboldt nutrients has the best Humic and Fulvic concentrates I've seen
and they are fully organic, Check out Flavor-Ful and Hum-Bolt http://humboldtnutrients.com/index.htm


Active Member
Ya i smelled my GO nutes and they really don't smell good at all. I didn't really trust them and now that your friend doesn't even like them that puts even more of a negative denotation on the whole idea of GO. That is why I decided to Hit up the full Roots Organics line before I added any GO. So my grow is full Roots Organics, soil and all. I have heard some good things about Humboldt nutes. I have a smalle sample pack from them that I got from an expo. I'll have to try them out some time.

Question: I want to do a foliar spray of extreme serene(sea kelp and quillaja soponaria) I added 10ml to a gallon of water and my ph went to 4.1 is it safe to foliar spray at that ph. Is ph adjustment even necassary for foliar sprays?


Active Member
Okay guys I am going to give them their first tea when the lights turn on. When they went off earlier I foliar fed them with extreme serene. Here are the ingredients of the tea as follows. All measurements are per gallon.

10ml big buddah grow(EWC, bat guano ect.)
10ml ancient amber(fulvic acid aka humates)
5ml extreme serene(sea kelp ect.)
10ml trinity(molasses, amino acids, humates ect)

Here is a picture of my tea. It looks like it will do much justice. Only 2 hours after I added the ingredients!

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
It is recommended to PH your foliar spray. 6.0 is fine... And you will definitely have nothing negative to say about Roots Organics. They are top notch.

And that tea looks great, thats how my nutrient batches look after I've been lettin it brew for a while, do you also have a wavemaker in there? like vortex
pump stirring it up so nothing settles on the bottom?

BTW thats funny you should mention the smell of GO, my buddy had to wear a face mask while he mixed his up, he said it was unbearable! ahahah


Active Member
It is recommended to PH your foliar spray. 6.0 is fine... And you will definitely have nothing negative to say about Roots Organics. They are top notch.

And that tea looks great, thats how my nutrient batches look after I've been lettin it brew for a while, do you also have a wavemaker in there? like vortex
pump stirring it up so nothing settles on the bottom?

BTW thats funny you should mention the smell of GO, my buddy had to wear a face mask while he mixed his up, he said it was unbearable! ahahah
Awesome I ended up making the foliar 6.1 to be safe and it had no adverse effects so I'm happy. I used Earth juice natrual PH up witch contains potassium bicarbonate. The upside of that is potassium bicarbonate directly attacks or prevents against Powder mildew. Although I'm not to worried because my humidity doesn't get super high.

All I have in there is a bendable air stone. I bent it in a circle so that it agitates the whole mix. I also hoped it would keep sediment from settling. It seemed to do the job quite well for the most part. You mention this "wave maker". Never heard of it before. So it just makes waves in order to agitate the sediment? One of the brand names is Vortex?

Ya man GO definitely doesn't smell very good in my book. I am not super experienced or anything, but I definitely know what good Organics smell like. It's like they took raw ingredients and put them through some weird unexplained process That makes them very watery. Damn having to where a face mask just because of the smell sucks man. I will say that their seaweed supplement is probably still decent, but it smells a lot more oceany then other ones I have smelled. The bio root is just their Vegan compost tea with a different label minus the fermented yeast. Still considering weather the Cal mag is good or not. I recently read the back of the bottle and it stated that the cal and mag are fermented so that would explain the smell.

I am really impressed with Roots. I'ts like they just give you a compost tea in a bottle in the correct proportions. It's super raw and sludgey just like you said. The Big Buddha grow looked like straight worm casting sludge but with guano and molasses ect. It's pretty damn tight and the girls seem to be loving it!

Day 10
Hey guys here is a pic a couple days after the tea. They have definitely shot up! enjoy!

Open to comments and suggestions!