just wanted some opinions


Well-Known Member
Looks like u water way to often, the whole thing is drooping. Only water when u can pick up the pot and it feels empty. What soil u using?


Active Member
actually i use 2 cfl's both 70 watt seems to be working fine sorry i had to take one out for the pick due to the eye cells i was losing from staring at it.. and the trooping sorry i just transplanted it today so might be in shock but i had to b/c the soil is pretty shitty within 3 months and it looked like soil i would find walking by a used soccer field.


Well-Known Member
That would explain the drooping.... seems people only take pics after they water???? So theplant in the pics is 3+ months old?... Tinfoil?


Well-Known Member
You will find out the sex about two weeks into the 12/12 light cycle.

Did you say you got dirt from the soccer field?