Just Tried Acetone Extraction, worked well

yummy fur

Well-Known Member
I used to use acetone in the 70's to dissolve a cap of hash oil in and then mix it all into some peppermint tea thereby sort of reconstituting it back into mint flavoured leaf. I have used 100 ethanol to wash quality buds ground to a powder and then cleaned with activated charcoal and filtered. That was the best quality honey oil i've made didn't leave any residue when burned or just a smidgen. I've pressed some quality rosin out of my Slug33 fat max that leaves it very fragrant.

So I've got a small handful of trim. There's not much because I defoliate all the way through, but I kept the trim and any big leaves that had some trichomes on them. The plan was to vape it while waiting for some product to dry, however it wasn't very good and I just forgot about it. I was about to throw it out as there's not much but thought I may as well try some acetone to see what the result is.

I had the weed in a box and I left it in front of the dehumidifier for a while then I scrunched them down into a ball in a stocking. I didn't bother to powder them specifically because if I got anything I wanted minimum plant products. Put the ball smaller than a tennis ball into a 500gm jar with 100ml approx of 100% Acetone shook the fuck out of it for 20 seconds then poured it straight onto a plate and gave my ball a bit of a squeeze. acetone extract - 4.jpeg Then I squeezed out the stocking ball too.

It's very humid and I thought it would take ages to dry and that it would absorb water and be a general pain. I put the plate over a pan of boiled water and left it. When I returned 20 minutes later it looked almost dry surprisingly. I put it in front of the dehumidifier for a while pretty soon there was what looked like like an oily patch and other parts that were dry.acetone extract - 1.jpeg

Scraped it up with a blade and it was dry and crumbly, I've never been able to make this texture before. Even the oily looking stuff on the plate also scraped up to a golden crumbly crust. I just put some in some cotton wool and vaped it. I have to say, this is unquestionably the best quality extract I've ever had. This was a higher quality than the alcohol extracted buds.acetone extract - 3.jpeg

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When I use rosin squeezed out of the buds in the cotton wool, as the good products are used up it becomes harsh after a few tokes, but this Acetone fast extracted hash has no harshness at all. None. You just keep on going until it doesn't give any more, but it never gets rough. I still cannot believe this was made with absolute rubbish trim. The liquid poured off was a very light yellow/greenish so pretty good.

I could smell right away that this was good quality, it has that warm dope smell like the best quality hash, and best of all I can actually handle it at 80F no problem break a bit off and roll it.

This is so much better quality and a better result than I ever would have thought possible. I will try it on an eighth of bud soon and compare the result to the Slug33.


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I've used it when I couldn't get isopropanol, but it's a bit cruder a product. Iso is the best solvent I've used, beats ethyl, it's less polar. Apparently ethyl acetate is a good one, but costly and not easy to source conveniently. Since it doesn't mix with water you could extract fresh bud with it.

I've extracted fresh bud with toluene before, which doesn't mix with water, but it's pretty stinky stuff and on the toxic side. I didn't need much either, because I would scrunch the material down with a glass bottle into a large glass measuring cup like a plunger to help get all the resin out. When you squash it like that it has surprisingly little volume, so you don't need all that much solvent. Then after I poured the toluene off and redid it a few times to get all the resin off I washed the toluene by stirring with water and discarding the water, did it a few times.

The product was quite good, not green at all, just amber. The only bad part was the toxic solvent, but with ethyl acetate it might come out similar but with less hazard to health. When I did the plunging it did press some juice out of the material but it just formed a lower layer, so the toluene could just be poured off from it. Probably best not to squish it that hard with ethyl acetate though, since it's more polar than toluene and might dissolve some chlorophyll if the cells get burst open.