Just some questions as I go on

As we speak my plants are about 2 weeks old and it's my first grow, I'm moving from the scared shitless please grow please grow stage to the moderatly more calm stage. I leave my plants outside check them everyday, before I was bringing them in everynight I'm done with that. They seem to like the outside more I just clean the webs and wishies off them(stupid weeds).

I have some more questions I really know a lot more than I thought I did, and I'm doing pretty well as are my babies.

I was wondering a couple things, I have 9 plants and an unfenced back yard now my neighbors are about a billion years old and I don't think they'd be suspicious but than again 8 foot pot plants rise suspicion, and I have some questions(duh).

Do any of you guys have a way to conceal them?
How tall should I expect these to naturally grow, and how can I minimize height?
Of course the stench, how bad will the stench be outside? as long as they don't smell to bad I can pretty much keep them.
Can I induce a flowering cycle myself? I can't give my plants 24 hours of sunlight like indoor growers and I can't give them 18 hours and hell 12 hours, wait what? How are indoor growers mimicing the outside Idk anywhere that gets 24 hours of sunlight...

Is there any alternative 20 gallon pots I can use I don't really feel like spending $90 on pots is there an alternative like some other object that is fillable that will work?

Thanks for help! Seriously, you guys give me strength

Cali Grower

1. The only way i can think of to conceal plants would be to have other, equally as tall or taller plants close too your girls. You could also build a green house that just arches over the plants but doesn't actually close them off the outside elements. think, tunnel. Other than that, I'm out of ideas

2. If you grow them correctly, they will most likely get anywhere from 5ft on up. Just depends. If you want to minimize the height of, say, a lengthy sativa, you could LST them so that they still get that growth but its just redirected. I wouldn't suggest topping sense that can shock a plant. On the contrary, growth will be slowed so that would be a temporary fix. You wouldnt want to top all through flowering and what not because it'll slow bud and thc developement too

3. I'm not sure about the stench of an outside grow. I'm pretty sure it'll stink pretty bad but i'm not sure as to how far it will carry. I guess thats sort of dependant on how many plants you have. I would asssume one plant would smell less than 2 or more just becuase that would make since but, like i said, im not sure.

4. The only way to induce flowering outside is to cover and uncover the plants. You could use a box or some kind of big, light proof blanket. It wouldn't be easy at all without a greenhouse but with great determination, an imagination, and a little magic, it could happen.

5. Indoor growers aren't exactly mimicing the outdoors. They attempt too in all ways possible but to successfully (as best as possible) mimic outdoor conditions, you'd need to harness the power of the sun, put it in a light bulb, draw enough energy to power it, then grow some good tree... in the interest of time, i wont go into why thats not possible. lol. Indoor growers mainly attempt to mimic everything but the light schedule. With that said, optimal lighting conditions for cannabis is 16 on 8 off for veg, 12 on 12 off for flowering. You can give the plant 24 hours of light for veg because the plants use the light to grow, but when it comes to flowering, i think most growers stick with 12/12. They may try lowering the light exposure to get the plant to produce more thc since most thc is produced when the lights are off

6. Anything that is able to be filled with everything you need to grow. I've seen people use trash cans, those home depot buckets, a 1 liter soda bottle (top cut off), tupperware containers, rubbermaid tubs... etc.

good luck bruh!


Well-Known Member
Your going to end up getting your plants ripped off or a ride in a squad car if u leave them in plain sight not to mention The smell should be EXTREMELY strong and easy to trace to the source, might want to come up with a plan b for growing.