just some info on 4 inch rockwool growth, roots!


Well-Known Member
I pulled some of the males and the hermies of my crop. They were started in 1.5 in cubed then transplanted to 4 in rockwool then placed in 5.25 sqaure turbogarden pots. I had them on a 3x3 botanicare tray under a 400 mh conversion and hps light.

After 7 weeks 5 to 6 wiich were veg the rootd had barely peirced the sides of the cubes and had come out of the botom sparsely. On the bottom were mini cubes and what roots had made it out the bottom of the cubes only barely made it through and wove their wau into the cubes. Most just fell off with easy brushing.

I had expected much more root growth and that repotting would be way more needed. I was wrong, lol, that makes me happy as I am broke. lol.

So it looks like 4 in cubes go way farther than I thought. I sorta suspaected as much as I have heard of exvellnt yeilds in the turbogarden pots.

Also I have like a 100 dollars of 4 in cubeds i got for like 20 bucks off a fellow med patient I know.

I am trying to post the pics but my comp is crammed with photos.

Does not repotting sound right to anyone with more experience than me with these 4 in rockwool cubes?

I love rockwool, it is an awesome idea for mw to mull over on in my head. Maybe I read the grodan website to many times.

Stil cant rw clone yet, i should practice with males. Hd to emergency switch to dwc clone system. (rubbermaid with holes) rofl.


Well-Known Member
I use 3 inch RW cubes for plants that are large, i see no reason to repot after going bigger than 3 inch.