Just skunks

Found this guy injured & lost. Tossed a dark shower curtain over some downed trees to give em some shade. (Of course he partied too hard & knocked it down)
He ended up burrowing into a tree trunk.
For all the ladies out there.. he’s young & single. Enjoys daytime walks & asparagus in his leisure.
When I first visited the US my girlfriend and I were driving back to hers and I caught a whiff through the air vents.

Holy shit, somebody is growing a huge amount of weed! I said.

She said it was a just a skunk. Uncanny how similar the two are. Blew my mind
Lmao!!.. you should smell it out this way on a sunday drive in the fall..
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When I first visited the US my girlfriend and I were driving back to hers and I caught a whiff through the air vents.

Holy shit, somebody is growing a huge amount of weed! I said.

She said it was a just a skunk. Uncanny how similar the two are. Blew my mind

My buddy Sam used to come over to visit me and my young boy. We would go into my office (now my grow room) to get high before we'd come out and make breakfast with my kid. My son would come up to the door and asked what we were doing, and if we were finished already. He'd always comment, 'smells like skunks in there...'
My buddy Sam used to come over to visit me and my young boy. We would go into my office (now my grow room) to get high before we'd come out and make breakfast with my kid. My son would come up to the door and asked what we were doing, and if we were finished already. He'd always comment, 'smells like skunks in there...'

That’s class lol

Funny how we actually enjoy the smell of skunk. Well I did when I smelt the animal lol