just seeing if my pics will load new journal to come


Just wanted to throw some pics up for you guys. I veg. For 50 days flowered 8 weeks ended up with only 4 females and took 2.5 oz dry on each plant . Used those flos and switched to 2 150 hps and 2 70watt hps for the sides I hit prime bud sites with cfl lights . Working on my new grow now learned a lot through this grow and from a lot of people here just wanted to say thanks .... oohhh also had 2 strains cantebury green bud which is on the scale and some cross breed. Keep it green my next grow will do a journal .



:neutral:Looks like the pics loaded and worked I will remove cause I know this isn't posted in the right area....how do I get rid of this thread? I posted it in general thread now I know how to post pics so I want this one gone so when I start my new grow I can go from scratch and do my journal right.