Just returned from the war.Looking for friends in Mass


waddup, im a vet stoner as well and have been growing for the last two years since ive got out of that clusterfuck, i get my hands on some of the best in the state so hit me up man


Active Member
Hey guys. I'm on The Cape. I've been active in the 420 Celebrations in Keene NH. Hope to hear from you soon. I'm brand new to the forum here, been studying for a while autodidact style. Hope to make some new friends and get growing! I'm making my setup as we speak and I just ordered some fine seeds on line. :joint: Be well and live free!


i wish i lived on the cape, used to have a summer house on hardings beach in chatham growin up but my degenerate uncle stopped paying his taxes so he forced my dad to sell it, wat u gonna do for a setup? I would suggest grow tents cause u never know when ur gonna need to tear that bitch down for something