Just recieved G13 clones what is the origin?


Active Member
I've read in depth in to all the different G13 scenarios, and I think I know at the very least that the pure G13 does not exist anymore. However, I got some clones off a friend who got them from what he constantly refers to as the compassion center. I live in the toronto area, does anybody know what these G13 clones are? I heard something about the original clone being crossed with a very potent afghan indica, to create a G13 very similar to the original. They look EXACTLY like the G13 poster I have from finest medical seeds but the guy only knows that his friend got them medically. Does anybody know anything about the new G13 clones or seeds ( cuz thats where these clones originated) that might help me know more about the strain I am now growing??


Well-Known Member
Just grow it and see how it turns out. If it's dank, keep a cutting around, if not then move on. I'll send a prayer to the ganja gods that it turns out a super massive yielder and great high.

Good luck brother