Just noticed mites with 4 days till harvest

Howdy all,

Just looking at my girls thinking of the nice harvest ill be having. I cut one plant down a week ago and nothing was on it. But looking at my girls today I just noticed one of the big fan leaves with a few dozen white dots near the sateam. Well when I pulled it and flipped it over I noticed a bunch of white dots near the spines of the middle fan.

Looking at em through the scope all I seen were clear water drop shaped things sitting. Well I pulled a second leaf and seen more of the same till I came across one of the bastards moving around. Flull grown mite and it made my skin crawl!!! Ick!!!! :-(

Being that there are so few, one plant is all I see them on so far and only about 5 big fans got em. Could be on others but very fresh start still. Should I just chop em down now? I fell upset but not out of the game. I know this shouldn't be bad just wonder if I should wait the 4 days or nab em now?

Here is a cola off the one I nabbed a week ago:

2 to 3 feet tall
in foxfarm dirt
600 hps
3 by 4 closet

cant wait to cut the other 6! thanks for your help if any.


Active Member
with only 4 days left i would remove any leaves with obvious mites and kick the fans on full blast, maybe add an extra one. if you are super worried, or if the infestation gets worse you can always cut them. as long as there aren't a crap load of them you should be able to hold them off till harvest.