Just need to vent a little

Mr Kush

Active Member
So I'm in a bit of a situation at the moment and just need to get some negative shit off my mind. I just found out that my younger sister who just turned 19 has been a cokehead for the past couple of months. She hadn't kept intouch for a while after she moved out to college and the only reason why we found out was because she's been kicked out for having that shit in her room and someone found it. She's had all of these run ins with the law acting all stupid and was given fines and warnings about a possible house arrest.

It just made me so fucking angry, you know. She was always a smart kid with a planned out future and all of a sudden fucks it up with this shit. My parents have got her in rehab at the moment and I'm just hoping that she can sort herself out and that it was just some stupid college experience. There's just nothing worse then watching someone close to you mess up like this especially when there's not much I can do to help her.
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Well-Known Member
Mmm, I feel for ya. My brother was a coke head for several years, almost wrecked his life. He worked at a nuclear power plant x-raying the welds. He made freaking *great* money, like $120k/year...and that was in the 80s! But to make that much money, he was working 100-130 hours a week, and the only way he could work that much is if he was coked up. So to afford the coke, he had to work huge hours, and then he'd spend the money on coke so he could work *more* huge hours.

It was like a vicious cycle that he was trapped in. He couldn't give up the fat paychecks, but collecting the fat paychecks meant spending tons on coke, which ate up the fat paychecks. Making all that money, he drove a beater, and his furniture was rented, and he was broke.

He got in over his head, to the tune of more than $50k that he owed to his coke dealer. They showed up one night and broke one of his legs. And the next day he left the state and moved across the country, got a lower paying job, and finally got off coke. But jeez, it was almost the end of him. He must have spent a quarter of a million dollars on coke, and had nothing to show for it except an addiction and a broken leg.

I hope your sister does better than that! At least she's getting some kind of treatment, and she's not been hooked for years so it might not be quite so rough breaking the cycle of addiction for her. My thoughts are with you and her, bro!


Well-Known Member
I had it bad.. lost everything...sadly I had to hit the bottom before the climb up...been 15 years the best thing I ever stopped..


Well-Known Member
you gotta be there for her man

and dont be a jerk to her cause it'll only drive her further away


Well-Known Member
Just stick it out with her. It is a wicked and nasty drug and destroys a lot of people. I stood by my bro when he destroyed his life over it, and it sucked. In the long run, this will make her a stronger and wiser person. Hopefully she will beat it and learn from it.
In the meantime, she will be added to my prayer list at church....god bless.


Well-Known Member
Help her fight the fight Hell show her this thread with all the people that dont even know her wishing her the best. Its such a bad drug it can really get a hold of you. I have done my fair share in the past put would never go near it again. I wish her and your family the best. Dont let it take her from you.

Mr Kush

Active Member
Thanks for all of the positive messages, I really appreciate it. I've just started getting over the shock of the whole thing really, but it's just something I have to not let get to me because I know there's no room for judgement and only love and support gets people through tuff times.

Hearing some of your stories gives me hope too.