Just need to get some questions answered :)


well ive started my first grow...or second i guess seeing how my first plant died. ive gotten most of my info from growweedeasy.com but i couldnt get any help there.
im using 60/40 coco coir and perlite..the 40% perlite is on bottom and the coir fills the rest of the pot. i bought Fox Farm Trio nutes for this grow. my sprout is about 4 days old not so my first question is When and how much of these nutes should i use? the reason im asking is because i waited about a week to start my first plant on nutes and when i did, it died. i even mixed 1/4 strength of what the chart reccomends in the first week. i put the 2 nutes that it said to use, (1/4 strength) into a clean 1 gallon milk jug. any speculation on whether i started early or didnt mix them right would be great. i need a mentor haha..:-?


Well-Known Member
I don't like giving my roots any nutes for about 2-3 weeks. Keep media moist with ph water. And I use a 2ml of ful-power to 400ml ro water. In a spray bottle and foliar feed. After that roots are strong and looking for food. Plant should show slight yellowing in new growth. Then it's feeding time at 1/4. The next week it's 1/2 and a week or 2 after that it's 3/4. And I stay at 3/4.


I don't like giving my roots any nutes for about 2-3 weeks. Keep media moist with ph water. And I use a 2ml of ful-power to 400ml ro water. In a spray bottle and foliar feed. After that roots are strong and looking for food. Plant should show slight yellowing in new growth. Then it's feeding time at 1/4. The next week it's 1/2 and a week or 2 after that it's 3/4. And I stay at 3/4.

"And I use a 2ml of ful-power to 400ml ro water. In a spray bottle and foliar feed" <--- i dont quite get what you mean here.


Well-Known Member
Foliar feeding is taking the spray bottle and misting the leaves with a light nute mix. Works great in veg not really recommended in flower.


ok then so, its 2ml of nutes and 400ml of ph water in veg? every day every other day or just when its dry?
and then, i take it, i have to put nutes in the water that i use for the coir for flowering?


Well-Known Member
Some nutes can't be foliar sprayed. And most have different mix ratios. Check the listing of the nutes you chose. And I just gave you the ratio for Full-Power. It's a humic acid foliar mix. I use it 2 times addy till I start nutes in the water


Well-Known Member
wait until the first original seat of serrated leaves start to turn a little bit yellow and then feed a small amount.


Some nutes can't be foliar sprayed. And most have different mix ratios. Check the listing of the nutes you chose. And I just gave you the ratio for Full-Power. It's a humic acid foliar mix. I use it 2 times addy till I start nutes in the water

ah, well i have the fox farm trio nutes.. do you know if they are compatible with the foliar spray method?


nevermind i looked at their site. it says it works great as a foliar spray. thank you for your help that is all i need right now. but do you mind if i come to you for any further questions?


Well-Known Member
If I can help I will gladly do it. I've made tons of mistakes so I can tell you alot of what not to do as well. Lol


well im sure that your advice and speculation will come in handy for me then. :) thank you. im a broke broke broke man..so everything i get for this grow is going to be cheap. i just ordered a ph test kit a few days ago because i realized that when i got my Ph up and Ph down formulas, i didnt get any test materials.. haha. heres something you could give me some info on;

i was reading a post earlier about nutrients.. and someone said that "the number on the front of the bottle" is where you find out whats in it and what your going to need to add.. theres 3 numbers on each if i remember reading right, the first one is nitrogen, the second is phosphorous and the third is potassium.
but here are the numbers for my nutrients. :
the Fox Farm Trio nutes:
1. Big Bloom; 0.01-0.3-0.7
2. Grow Big Hydro; 3-2-6
3. Tiger Bloom; 2-8-4

i got a chart with these nutes and i went by the hydroponic feeding schedule for my first plant... it says 2 tsp-per-gal of the big bloom, and 1 tsp-per-gal of the grow big hydro.. will that be the best choice to start with after the first 2-3 weeks?

I only have one plant by the way..so i think im only going to be needing 1 gallon at a time...


Well-Known Member
Looks good. You can start adding nutes if you want. 1/4. It's a big pot so I don't think you will need to feed much at first. The coco should retain alot of it. I would say feed water water water feed. Until you start seeing yellow the drop one if the waters. And so on. Should only need water every 2 or 3 days. If not longer at first.


yea i foliar spray it before the lights come on for their 16/8 schedule, and then once again when i wake up in the afternoon. ive only had to put water around it in the coco once every 2-3 days as you said. so quarter strength i got that but should i go by the feeding schedule that i got with the nutes and use the first 2 nutes i listed? or should i just start with the first one? whaddaya think?


Well-Known Member
Go with the schedule. After a few grows you can start playing. Until then stay with something that works. Your going to have enough problems.