Just harvested *with pics*

:bigjoint: So first off I have one question. Do these look ripe? These are 2 out of 8 lovely ladies and my patience is wearing thin for the other 6 :fire:

I am using 1400 watts of hps with a homemade aeroponic system I am upgrading to a fogger system next go around but gh's 3 part N.P.K Kool Bloom ph down mycomadness (durring veg) blah blah blah

here we are at 7 weeks and 3 days flowering leaves are mega yellow because of over flushing I have flushed for around 2.5-3 weeks in aero 7 days is the usual i like my buds extra wonderful tasting :bigjoint:


Thanks guys I did ALOT of homework after my last grow. And sorry I cant get any close-ups p.o.s camera. Every time i get too close the flash whites out the prettyness. The camera does it no justice at all.
nice plants what strain was it man ..........

To be 100% honest I do not know. I was given a whole one clone by my gracious friend and made a little forest in my closet :P. I have my suspicions that it is Ak-47 due to the similarities in pheno's as well as the flowering period bud structure and all that good shit so in other words I think it "might" be ak-47 but not sure :). What i do know is whatever strain it is it came from Colorado :D hope that helps.
So yeah I just cut down the other 6 and here is what we are looking at any guess's on weight? Its Ak-47 I believe so its got fluffyness to it

The closet is pretty big as well cant even really give a guesstimate seeing as how I am baked out of my mind :bigjoint:but rest assured that's a big closet at minimum 10 ft wide. But I am hoping for an lb at least of of these 8 plants. seeing as how i was limited on space I had 2 plants that put out maybe a oz dry. canopy was uncontrollable after week 5 flowering I was fanning at least once a day making sure i was getting good penetration. Next run around I am doing them much smaller and a little more control I was thinking like a bunch of bannana hands reaching out of my fogger tubs lol :P. ( just a lil fimmin and training should do the trick :D)

Oh and reason for the sudden chop was because I am in apartments and they are doing quarterly inspections so I figure might as well not push my luck eh ;).


How bendy are the stems supposed to be before putting them into jars like bendy to the point right before snapping? Like it snaps but not quite all the way through? I want to make sure I cure perfect had a prob with mold in my first grow :wall: also did not do 1 shred of research for my first grow just hear say b.s that made my first baby suck balls.

Ok so I am at 48 hrs appx of drying most of the lower most buds are very dry others are a lil spongy dry... The set up is how it looks except there is a 12 in fan pulling air out of the closet and a 6 in fan blowing across the bottem. They are drying pretty fast AMAZING smell lost alot of mass.

Pre-Taste Update-

AWESOME hint of berry not sure why but classic ak flavor super cerebral high. Was very pleased

Only reason I know this is a buddy of mine hung an oz *dry* I gave him for the orig clone but he hung it above the water heater but that's where I just got back from and more to come when its really done I am sure it will blow my socks off make me want to climb a waterfall or some shit :bigjoint:
Just put the first two babies into jars today. Finally lost the berry flavor as well :-P now it is tasting right. Beautiful high lasted 3 hrs only smoked .5 with my girlfriend. And it only gets better :fire:. At the very last hit you get a lil bad taste of crap but it happens clean and smooth all the way through!

Weight on the first two plants came out to be a beautiful 6 and 1/2 oz's


Well-Known Member
I dont know man i think you harvested too early. Especially if its ak47, that can take up to 9-10 weeks. I'd let the other 6 go for another week or so. Check the trichs on them with a magnifying class. Once they're about 30% amber or so, cut the rest of those bitches down. Other than that looks like bomb bud. FYI: my old roommate was growing ak47, flush and chpped by 8 weeks. It was bomb, but pretty fluffy. If he gave them an extra week or 2, shit woulda been crazy..
Thanks on the advice I was going to wait till week 8ish to chop. But I would rather have smoke than a ticket lol. Apt inspections are comming soon and those bitchs were too big and stinky to hide. And the premature shit was bottom crap I could'nt get good canopy penetration in that closet not nearly enough room to do what I was doing T_T. the top colas turned out beautiful at 30% amber rest was about 10% amber. Not to mention the 1k hps was crisping the tops a lil my window ac unit stopped working air got too cold outside. So many excuses but fact was I wish I could have waited a week or two longer I would have came out with a lb and a half instead of just under a lb