Just god awful wrong...


Active Member
16 healthy, 1month old plants, every1 that lived with me told me it was a great idea....Moron American anxiety built up... Fuckin plants disposed of... Nuff said there.

In my case, I became attatched to my plants, I got so mad, walked into my room and threw my lights on the ground, shattering the lights across the carpet.

God, dont you wish these fucking retarded ass people would legalize marijuana so fucking retards in my house wouldnt have anxiety built up?

For christs sake, fucking tobacco is so much worse...


Well-Known Member
16 healthy, 1month old plants, every1 that lived with me told me it was a great idea....Moron American anxiety built up... Fuckin plants disposed of... Nuff said there.
not really nuff said, what happened now???


Active Member
Heres the thing though, I had the seeds... Before I even planted, EVERYONE in my house was like yeah holy shyt you should do it...Month later, Holy crap I leave the house for 8 hours, all gone teehee...not flippin funny at all, I was nearly about to murder someone


Active Member
Heres the thing though, I had the seeds... Before I even planted, EVERYONE in my house was like yeah holy shyt you should do it...Month later, Holy crap I leave the house for 8 hours, all gone teehee...not flippin funny at all, I was nearly about to murder someone
are you saying that they removed them without consulting you!!


Active Member
and yes to answer your question, thats what really made me mad, not telling me.


Grand question of the day: When is Marijuana being legalized? Seriously.

and 420 is comin up O EM GEE Cops on teh lookout!