Just cut my plant for cloning.. Take a look.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... i just cut 2 of my female plants to test clone.. if this works... GREAT! if it doesn't i guess my plants were too young? or i did somthing wrong.

Well here is what i did..

1.got a galon of water. added half a drop of super thrive and 2 ml of hydro NUTES 3-1-1 (bottle said 7ml for every galon)

2. pH'ed the water to 5.5

3. put the rockwool in for like 12 hours

4. cut some branches

5. dipped em in the cloneX gel and popped em in the rockwool.

6. sprayed the plants and put a glass top for humidity.

Hope this works... anyone have any suggestions?

I know i shouldnt have added nutes... but it was too late :(



Well-Known Member
3x 23watt 6500k CFL's...should i put them in my grow room with 600watt hps? i read somewhere that too much light is not that good.


Well-Known Member
These are the two I have used. I will say that without them most to all clones I have transplanted didnt grow 100% healthy or didnt make it. Crossbreed strand especially. Bagseed is easy to clone, others are DEF more difficult, so what strand you got there?




Well-Known Member
Hey Robbie, I used cloneX reffered by the hydro store it was like 20 bucks for this small bottle :( I hope it works. Its a Gel


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... just an update on Day 2 of the clone...

The clones are not limping anymore... but they are back up stems pointing up strong... is this normal? i thought it had to be limp and get yellow.. then u see roots?

Temps inside the clone box are 90* and humid.. (can see it on the glass tray lots of humidity) i spray the plants.. but i stopped since its real humid in there anyway.

let me know what you guys think


Well-Known Member
That Take Root looks like it should work - never used it myself. The Root Master looks more like something you'd use when transplanting - similar to Super Thrive.


Well-Known Member
Checked on my clones and they still havnt rooted yet. i dont see anyroots and its been prolly 4 days. am i doing somthing wrong? its well humid there and the temps are 78-85 F...


Well-Known Member
hey blonddie,

i did this just recently, using cloneX (purple) and it took about a week before i saw any roots come outta the wool, but it's going hell strong, just wait and all should be good...

just a tip to, put your clonex in the fridge, got that from a bloke who been doing it for years.:peace: